BrainFirst Training Institute. Accredited neuroscience and brain-based training programs for Coaches, Helping Professionals, Leaders, Educators and Trainers.

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As coaches and helping professionals we know that achieving goals is very important to our clients (whether they’re health or fitness goals, or relationship or business or financial goals). And so having effective evidence-based goal setting and goal pursuit strategies is critical.

But when it comes to goal achievement what’s really interesting is that success rates are generally not that high, particularly in health/fitness and business.

9% of people feel they were successful in achieving their new year's resolutions …with 42% claiming to NEVER succeed - and fail in their resolutions every year.

50% of small businesses still fail in the first 4 years with “information” companies reported to only have a 37% success rate.

And other sources report failure rates are around 80% after 18 months, or even a 60% failure rate after 3 years - depending on the country, how we define small business, and which industries are considered.

Why are failure rates so high?

Listen to the episode to learn how emotion impacts our ability to pursue and achieve our goals.