Joining me on this episode is Clinical Psychologist, Life Coach, and Author Dr. Davina Kotulski who wrote the self-empowerment book It’s Never Too Late to be Yourself: Follow Your Inner Compass and Take Back Your Life. We discuss how Dr. Davina’s book helps readers to re-connect with their heart by exploring what matters, re-prioritizing life from a heart-based place, moving through fear, and going forward in life in a new way. With the current pandemic, this the perfect opportunity to explore what matters to you so that you can live life in a way that is authentic and from the heart.  You can purchase the paperback version of the book through Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, and everywhere books are sold.  The audio version is available on Audible and iTunes.  The eBook is available for Kindle and Nook.  You can get contact Dr. Kotulski at and

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