Joining me on this episode is Carol Lozier, LCSW who wrote the book DBT Therapeutic Activities for Kids and Caregivers. We discuss Carols’ journey as a therapist, the difference between adherent and informed DBT, tips for newer therapists working with school aged children and their caregivers, the 4 modules of DBT, and who her book is intended for. 

Carol’s Private Practice Website:

Carol's facebook page:

Carol’s Instagram: @clozierlcsw

Therapists As Writers Instagram: @therapistsaswriters

Clubhouse: @therapistwriter

Twitter: @clozierlcsw


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Therapists As Writers fb group:

This podcast is not psychotherapy or counseling. If you need to speak with a professional, you should find one local to you and contact them directly. IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL YOUR LOCAL EMERGENCY NUMBER OR GO TO YOUR NEAREST EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT.