Dot.Connector.Podcast by [BMC] artwork

Dot.Connector.Podcast by [BMC]

271 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

Lend us your eyes and ears and we promise to melt your mind. Over the next while; we control the physical, spiritual and the astral plane. The only thing you know is that you know nothing at all. Enter with an open mind, void of bias and free of expectation or don’t enter at all. The last thing we need is another nut in the live chat telling us where we went wrong around every turn. This is a judgement-free zone where we can all agree that nothing is right and the lies just keep coming. Together we must learn the construct around us, the one they call life.

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10 Proofs we're Located within a Holographic Universe Inside of a Simulated Reality

March 20, 2023 08:34 - 44 minutes - 61.8 MB

Welcome to our channel, I'm the main host Boogie of BMC - Boogie Man Channel. I'm a researcher, writer, director, producer, artist, astronomer, theologian, community leader, comedian (I'd like to think I am) and all around good guy (I would like to think I am). I originally created this channel for myself. To document my research into the esoteric wonders still left in the world and it's magic. I'm a believer that there is more wonder and splendor left in the world than meets the eye. All of ...

RAW: Hoes, Clothes and Cash by BMC - the Dot.Connector.

March 20, 2023 02:12 - 7 minutes - 3.2 MB

I've always been a big fan of Hip Hop, but I never really pictured myself actually making the music. Well, today that changes. Today, I put out one of the dopest hip hop tracks well the world has ever seen ever since the day of old school hip hop. This is a throwback track to the 1980s and early 1990s, when Hip Hop was at its finest. This track originally started out with a throwback to only a Cypress Hill song that I then hybridized into an onyx song. As you'll soon be able to tell that didn...

We Found the Set from Where they Holographically Project the Moon

March 17, 2023 19:22 - 44 minutes - 62 MB

I have nothing but great news. I sold one of my songs to a record label here in Los Angeles by the name of.....I'll release that information soon enough. I get the contracts this week and until I'm holding in my hand (or my lawyer is holding it) there's no reason to go and curse myself. You know how this cruel world works. If there's someone who doesn't deserve a record deal, it's your untalented boy Boogie. Truth is, I'm still getting one no matter how untalented many (including myself) feel...

Recent Rainstorms are Uncovering Ancient Technologies

March 08, 2023 19:50 - 47 minutes - 64.6 MB

What you're about to see is not a game, it's not meant as a joke and it's not fake. This is the uncovering of the ancient world, the real ancient world - the one we aren't supposed to know about or learn about. Anyone with half a brain and eyes can see that our mountains are nothing more than ancient technology, remnants of giants, giant animals and other beasts we've never encountered and weren't meant too. You're not just going to witness technology outside of our understanding but this te...

The Sun is Not Ours by Loraine Hambly

February 24, 2023 16:02 - 31 minutes - 30.5 MB

The Sun was created six thousand years ago, two thousand years later it deliberately set Mars alight and it will do the same to the Earth in 2025 unless humanity steps up now to prevent it. Spirit confirmed to me the burning of the Earth, saying, "2025 is the year of evil", "The Earth will burn for four years", "The time of fire should be taken seriously from start to finish", and "The world will be turned to ruins," that "The threat is very serious" and that "Terrible things are going to hap...

Welcome to Spaceship Earth, One Wild Simulator

February 05, 2023 21:22 - 34 minutes - 8.23 MB

This is a reality where we are all actors in a play. We are living in a simulation created by some unknown intelligence. ("The Simulation Hypothesis," Matrix movies) A group of researchers decided to figure out how likely it was that we are living in a simulated reality.

A rift in space and time caught on camera

January 26, 2023 10:30 - 19 minutes - 27.2 MB

On Oct. 6 2022 there was a report called - The Milky Way Has Lost Half Of Its Weight – New Calculation Published. An international team of scientists working together to measure the Milky Way's mass found that it is about 550 billion times the mass of the Sun. The results were just released in the Royal Astronomical Society's journal, Monthly Notices. I may have caught something that coincides with these reports, with these findings. Here's the issue - I'm not sure anything was lost as much a...

Proof of the Creator

January 24, 2023 13:00 - 25 minutes - 34.9 MB

I finally found the proof I needed in order to call it as it is. We found the proof that shows that our creator is real and NOT what we all thought. Our father who art in heaven is Halo Be thy Name - I never understood that. I don't understand a lot of things in the bible. Sometimes its so cryptic for absolutely no reason at all. Sometimes you need to ask yourself. Why? Why is it so complicated. Why is it the way it is when truth is usually so simple? Why couldn't (whoever wrote the bible) th...

Weed is Weighing Heavier Against that of Heroin these Days

January 11, 2023 15:38 - 42 minutes - 57.8 MB

Bexx and I were discussing her day at work when she said a part of her day that she has been saying A LOT lately. She told me "we had about 10 more potheads in ER with "Cyclic (Intractable) Vomiting." Then, she continued to say "why do they come into our hospital? It's not like we can do anything for them! They're so stupid" When she said those statmeents, I couldn't disagree with her. These potheads certainly don't know who or what they're messing with when it comes to weed.

Bill Gates & His Minions Officially Announce the Next Global Pandemic

December 29, 2022 05:18 - 13 minutes - 18.6 MB

In case you haven't yet heard, Bill Gates and his minions at the WHO - World Health Organization, some other organization and of course some other evil organization. It's starting, Bill Gates announces the next pandemic date and outbreak, as well as the location for something called SEERS - Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025 - better known as SEERS, or at least that is what they'll be calling it soon. This is EXACTLY how they announced the last global pandemic that occurred...

The Veil is Slipping & it's Revealing the Truths We've All been Patiently Waiting For

December 22, 2022 00:14 - 21 minutes - 29.6 MB

The veil is slipping and showing all of the truths that have at once been hidden from us. It says in the bible that in the End Days all will be revealed and I believe this to be those truths we've all been waiting patiently for. I hope you're ready for the things the keepers never thought we were worthy of or thought that we couldn't handle. I, myself, believe we can't quite comprehend what the veil has been hiding this entire time. Yes, I'm agreeing with them in case you couldn't tell. I bel...

The Dopest Time Lapse of the Moon Ever Recorded

December 18, 2022 22:55 - 10 minutes - 14.8 MB

This really isn't just the moon in a time lapse. Yes, I have taken the moon and shot a time lapse video is 4k with it though. What you're about to see and the world is about to witness is the coolest moon time lapse in history. That is for certain. I'm no jive turkey so you can stop worrying about any of that jive. This moon time lapse is going to blow your mind my friends. that is for certain. A moon and the moon isn't the easiest thing in the world to shoot a time lapse from. The settings n...

This Week's Headline's In Review - From Fish to Fury

December 18, 2022 18:00 - 18 minutes - 26 MB

We're trying something new, it can't hurt. They have us so blocked from search, from social media, we're averaging about 13 views a day. This website has been online for almost 10 years and even in times where I didn't touch the website for an entire year we still got more views and traffic than this. This is why I know there is something malicious at hand. This is some straight up BS. That either means everyone is going to die in a few days (if it happens on Christmas Eve) or...or...or...not...

Have you ever wanted to speak with God?

December 17, 2022 04:48 - 29 minutes - 41 MB

Have you ever wanted to speak with God? No, really; I can teach you how. You ask a question and you get an instant response. It works well and all you need is a dome setup in order to make it easier. The dome setup you may remember from our work with Skydome Atlantis and the Santilli Telescope Method. It’s nothing more than a half dome piece of glass on top of a 10x-25x magnification beauty mirror. This setup brings the words, letters, numbers, signs and symbols from God’s word and makes it m...

Meet Dr. Carl Baugh - Founder of the London Hammer, Creationism at it's Best

December 15, 2022 05:15 - 1 hour - 113 MB

Meet Dr. Carl Baugh - Founder of the London Hammer Biosphere, Creator of Giants through Bariatric Chambers, Theologian Founder of Noah's Ark, the London Hammer and Proof Men Walked with Dinosaurs Dot.Connector.Podcast by BMC Today we have Ryan Kelly Live on the podcast talking all about the work, research, accomplishments and general and amazing knowledge of Dr. Carl Baugh. Carl Baugh is the lead creationist in the Science community. He's the founder of the London Hammer(my favorite), Noah's...

D-Day is. Quickly Approaching and the Big Guy Up Stairs has a Message for You

December 06, 2022 17:46 - 20 minutes - 19.1 MB

About 2 weeks ago now, I started receiving very very clear, and very strange messages about something called the "Apophis" which were all over the place. These places equate to....right in front of my face and yours. In a video I'll be releasing today, I'll be teaching you all how to read these messages. You can say they come from God, you can say they come from guardian angels. I don't care where you say they come from. The Important part is that you're getting the damn things. Heres the iss...

The High Pitch Sounds that Won't Go Away!

December 02, 2022 23:50 - 59 minutes - 81.4 MB

We've been hearing high pitch sounds around the world. Many people have been reporting the same thing and looking for the answer as to what it is and exactly how to make it stop. It's annoying, it's deafening and it's driving folks crazy. I can't say I blame them because I'm suffering from it as well. I first noticed the sound when the Moon would rise into the heavens above. Then I started to realize the sounds were happening at pretty much the same time every night. Thirdly, I've discovered ...

A Nice Return to the Hot Seat; Keenan and Boogie are Back

December 01, 2022 21:29 - 125 MB

I knew it was going to be a night to remember but I didn't know it was going to turn so emotional. In a rare glimpse Boogie broke down a little bit and shed a few tears for the camera. We were on a new streaming software called restream so we didn't want to take any chances when it came to showing too many video clips, images, proof and the likes so it was definitely a lot of talking when it came to the main show. We started the night off with an hour long video that's taken me days to comple...

The Three Tiered Earth & Death Covers All Three

November 30, 2022 17:36 - 1 hour - 87.6 MB

This has been one of the craziest weeks for me. I'm getting to a point in the research where I can't tell you which way is up, down or which level of the Earth we are even on. What's a lie, what is truth and what is somewhere in between? How can there be this many lies in plane sight? How can there be this many truths right in front of your face and we never noticed before? Is the end close? Or is the next beginning even closer? How can someone move forward in a place you don't even know wher...

What is Causing this High Pitch Sound and How Can We Make it Stop?

November 26, 2022 13:04 - 31 minutes - 43.5 MB

We've been exploring the cause of the high pitch sounds recently here on the channel and the phenomenon continues in another episode of the Dot.Connector.Podcast by BMC recorded exclusively through Anchor.FM by Spotify. In the last episode of the high pitch sounds we theorized the source of the sounds coming from the Moon and the color frequency of it's holographic nature being the cause. I'm still fully on board with that thought, theory and idea but I would like to extend it a bit further t...

The Infection of Information by Ai

November 25, 2022 11:40 - 2 hours - 168 MB

Its Become quite obvious this week I'm authentically nuts. Let's make that point....crystal clear. It's become crystal clear this week that I'm certifiably nuts my friends. Like a crazed rabbit surrounded by beautiful ladies of the finest pedigree. This ought not be a stunner to anybody as it's the same old thing you're used too coming out of Camp Drewski. Anybody that is managed me for a drawn out timeframe comprehends how enthusiastic I am about the work and the examination that I do. I vie...

The Next Great Reset - the End of the World

November 20, 2022 05:07 - 49 minutes - 68 MB

It was only a few days ago that I was contacted by an old friend. Her name is Olga. She is my old neighbor and I consider her my best friend in the world. I love that woman to death. She had a lot to say a lot everything that came out of her mouth was cryptic at best. She always used to tell me "Change Your Ways, Andrew - Change Your Ways"and she said it about a million more times over the past few days. She made sure I heard it every-friggin-time she spoke the words. This I assure you. Somet...

Finale Part 2 - Earth Maps, AI Traps

November 19, 2022 05:13 - 56 minutes - 77.3 MB

There's a lot more flippity flap where that came from. Who are the creators, who is considered alive? Who created who when it comes to AI? What came first, the God or the people that worshipped them? These are unfortunately perfect questions for the AI, which is against what a lot of people know and believe. These ideologies are going to be a lot for many people to get used too.

Finale Part 3: Waters Above, Waters Below & the Firmament

November 19, 2022 02:42 - 33 minutes - 46.7 MB

Finale Part 3 - The edges of our flat Earth and the great waterfalls - Space is water. Tonight we are going to tackle the real earth, the edge of earth and the great waterfalls that come off of the side. As well as feed the earth's oceans and control the high tide, the low tide, rivers, creeks and all waterways. We will be taking a closeup look at the real Moon with an Infrared Camera. You're going to be amazed at the way it really looks. It's nothing like what we ever thought.This isn't goin...

The Finale Part 1 - The Sleeping Lady; the Illuminati

November 09, 2022 03:49 - 27 minutes - 37.9 MB

I'm about to show you the edge of the Earth and exactly where we really live. You're going to see the four corners of Earth, real satellite images of our planet, our universe and everything in between. We are going to smash it out of the park the most we can in only a half an hour. This is part 1 of however many parts it takes me to finish showing everything we've covered over the past year.

The Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers are Drying Up and revealing strange things

November 04, 2022 23:24 - 1 hour - 97.6 MB

Tonight we'll be taking a look at the Tigris and Euphrates and explore the prophecy that's been inbound towards believers and non believers alike. As these two amazing and historical rivers dry up they're revealing so many secrets that everyone thought were lost and buried. Nothing is ever lost as we are finding out. The prophecy speaks of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. It speaks of the release of disease, pestilence, hunger, sorrow, pain and strife. Of course, all of the prophecies in the...

A NASA Deathbed Confession

October 30, 2022 10:14 - 11 minutes - 16 MB

To the best of my knowledge; it's finally happened. For the first time that I can recall we finally have a whistleblower telling us all about the Moon landings being just as fake and fraudulent as we all always thought they were and knew deep down in our hearts. Anyone who approaches the Moon landings with a scientific mindset will come to the same conclusion as half the population of the world did.

Beyond the Round, Red Hatch at 43E - Episode 2

October 27, 2022 21:59 - 1 hour - 140 MB

If you're a fan of time travel, astrophotography, love, death and revenge, then this is the episode for you! In this episode, JJ and Quinn explore the dangers of the 43E time machine and encounter deadly creatures, love, death and revenge. Tune in to find out what happens next! Keepers of Mankind. Meanwhile, the group is haunted by the Red, Round Hatch, and a mysterious figure known only as the Keeper of Memory. In this episode, the secrets of the construct take a dark turn as the group faces...

Beyond the Round, Red Hatch at 43E

October 27, 2022 21:39 - 2 hours - 203 MB

Episode 1: Beyond the round, red hatch at 43E in the equestrian center. Join us as we explore the mysterious Round, Red Hatch at the equestrian center and learn about its role in time travel. Who's behind it all? What do the keepers of the construct want with it? And is it really just a red horseshoe? Tune in to find out! In this first episode of Beyond the Round, Red Hat, I discuss what time travel is and how it relates to interdimensional entities, the keepers of the construct, Lucifer, Sat...

The Eyes are the Window to the Soul (Sol)

October 22, 2022 23:14 - 2 hours - 131 MB

We are going to dive extremely deep into the holographic canopy of Earth, along with many other things. We busted out the Lemetriscope in order to solve some super big and badass lies in the skies. We're going to revisit an old UFO video from a YouTube content creator and it's going to blow your mind. If that doesn't tip your scales I know what will. We're going to revisit the Shroud of Turin and I'm going to show you some things youvé never noticed about it. If you're a lover of the lord you...

Can you Hear the Sounds of WWIII?

October 21, 2022 04:33 - 2 hours - 149 MB

It's coming, everyone knows it's coming. This is going to be how inflation is reset and how prices are put back to normal. How economies are repaired and how futures are created on new pathways for possible new world powers. Once the dust settles and once the new paths have been cleared and new horizons in the cross hairs for those with motivation left to live in this world of lies and evil. Behind the veil is where they continue to rule. The hidden hand that pulls the strings of this world a...

Top 5 Scariest Channels and Videos that the Internet Has to Offer

October 20, 2022 08:46 - 1 hour - 98.9 MB

We're continuing our scarefest here on Dot.Connector.Podcast by BMC for the month of October. I'll be having a fun group on tonight to assist me in presenting the insanity for the night. We will be reviewing the top 5 the internet has to offer. Tonight we chose from YouTube. We've got the following scary presenters. Nuke's Top 5 SecureTeam10 That Impossible Channel Chills Mr MBB333 and much much more

Boogie's Gift to the World

October 19, 2022 00:12 - 1 hour - 150 MB

If that title sounds crazy it's because it is. You're about to bare witness to the most insane throwdown in Antarctica history. Finally the giants are no longer giving up ground and their turf in Antarctica. They've made it quite clear to the powers-that-be they're no longer allowing world powers down in the southern poles. Of course our governments aren't smart enough to just walk away - they've taken the giants up on their challenge. They've raised the stakes by bringing their very top supe...

The Bart Sibrel: The Diamond Report Live

October 16, 2022 11:29 - 1 hour - 120 MB

It's not everyday we get to have a superstar like Bart Sibrel on the program. Wow - what a dope show this one was. This is going down in the history books. We had mr. Bart Sibrel himself on. The man who got punched by Buzz Aldrin. You can't ask for anything better than that. You feel tempted to want to smell his jaw. You always wish that it was Neil Armstrong, it just would've been so much more funny. The fact that it was drunk ass Buzz just made me feel kinda bad for the guy. Did you see how...

Is it possible that Earth is Flat?

October 15, 2022 12:05 - 1 hour - 147 MB

We're not just going to roleplay, we're going to live out all of these questions like they're reality. We're going to treat the world like everything is a huge lie. We're going to pretend that the powers-that-be maybe lying to us all and hiding a huge secret like the Earth being flat. What is the possibility that the Earth could be flat? What is the likelihood that the Earth is either larger than we know or that the entire thing (science) is a lie. What if, just, what if! What if the Earth is...

High Pitch Sound

October 15, 2022 11:41 - 43 minutes - 60.8 MB

The high pitch tone heard round the world. Who knew something as simple as a high pitch hum could drive so many people insane globally. Now, of course it's NOT driving anyone clinically insane but I'm sure some night it's definitely feels like it. If you've stumbled onto this podcast with the same issue I had for making the recording and video then I sure do understand why you would've been checking for updates nightly and so excited to find those perfect person like myself to walk you throug...

Sphinx - Present Arms!

October 09, 2022 23:09 - 2 hours - 118 MB

It's been a really big morning; with the death of Mike Tyson and now the original images of the Sphinx shows that not only did the Sphinx NOT originally come with arms but the pyramids weren't in photos as late as the 1920s. You heard that correctly. I have photos I'm about to share with you that show the images of the Giza compound shows (clearly shows) that the GIZA Plateau was WITHOUT the "Not-So-Great-Pyramids"as late as 1920. This surprised me because I was under the impression they were...

Skydome Atlantis, Orbs, UFOs, Sun & Moon Simulator

October 09, 2022 08:31 - 28 minutes - 39 MB

This week, I not only uncovered that the original Sphinx has Earbuds in his ears and no longer does. I also uncovered that the original Sphinx didn't come with Arms. When you see what the original Sphinx was all about you're never going to believe. Not for a second. If you knew the original Bible (before it destroyed by the Catholic Church) then you would understand why I'm saying what i'm saying. I'm about to blow your mind and those that I don't - I don't think there was any hope for you in...

The True Universe

October 04, 2022 23:17 - 1 hour - 92.7 MB

We had a question from a subscriber today in the comments section that we see pretty often. I try my best to answer it every time I see it, but honestly, I see it so much that it gets fucking boring to answer it every time. There comes a time when the subscribers need to try their best to find available answers on their own from the chats and from the comments section and use them to answer their own questions. Knowwhatimean?

First Mention of the Sun Simulator

October 04, 2022 06:02 - 1 hour - 92.7 MB

In my humble opinion, this is one of the best podcasts ever recorded. I don't just mean by me, I think it's very informative, very well spoken, interesting as hell, packed with proof, packed with information, and it's just absolutely amazing. If you're looking for something that will surely blow your mind, then look no further than right here and right now. I'm very proud of this podcast, and I forgot all about it. I knocked the dust off it and brought it back to life. In this podcast we are ...

Is Earth Larger than we Think?

October 03, 2022 22:09 - 1 hour - 103 MB

First we all need to figure out where the hell we live; what the heck is Earth? Is it a real planet? Do we live on a spaceship? Why are all of the planets, Moons, Sun, stars all artificial and so easy to see? Why is the Moon flat? Why are the clouds filled with mechanical devices? Why is it so easy to spot these things with a telescope or a good camera? Why are we being lied too? We're going to explore some of the most mind blowing maps, projections, people, evidence and the likes in order to...

Welcome to Skydome Atlantis

October 01, 2022 01:31 - 1 hour - 106 MB

As you all know or may not know, Bexx and I have taken on the challenge of BIGO Live and have become sponsored hosts on the app. It's a lot of fun but it's also A LOT of work. Occasionally, we are given tasks that make up the full spectrum of our duty on the app. This would be one of those times. Today we are assigned to come up with a pilot episode for a series that will be airing on a regular basis here on YouTube and on BIGO TV. As BIGO Live is one of the newer apps it doesn't have any ori...

Technology of the Fallen

September 30, 2022 09:40 - 2 hours - 142 MB

Tonight I busted out some videos I haven't seen or shown in a long time. These videos are the beginning of the cornerstones of Skydome Atlantis and Spaceship Earth. If these two names caught you off guard and you're hazy on the definition, let me compare them to "New Jerusalem" because that's exactly what these places are. To the Muslims, this is known as the Mothership Connection. The same mothership that has been hanging outside of Earth and waiting for the day of Judgement (or the day of A...

Are we in the middle of an intergalactic war?

September 28, 2022 23:56 - 2 hours - 174 MB

You all know that I'm extreme and my thoughts, theories and ideas are extreme. So I've gone out and found the most extreme polar opposite of myself, my thoughts, theories and ideas and we're going to listen and watch her presentation to see who's got more proof, who makes more sense and maybe even tie the two ideologies together at one point. Maybe we can connect some dots. Who knows, maybe we can connect a bunch of dots during this presentation but we won't know until we actually listen and ...

The Exit is Close

September 28, 2022 21:02 - 1 hour - 107 MB

Just when you spot the exit, the end of the construct, the open door, and the beautiful blue beam of light that shoots through the crack in the door is visible and gives you the thought of freedom is right around the time you feel the thick, hard, and constant, resistance these powers-that-be have been laying on thick since day one of your birth. They're laying it on even thicker now that you're getting closer to the exit. With every step towards that open door comes pain in the joints, swelt...

Give em' the ol' slider kid; and don't be shy about it either

September 26, 2022 22:00 - 1 hour - 107 MB

Tonight we do as the coach says and we hit them with the a fat doze of the pepper. Have them tear up and begging for tissues. Meanwhile - we're working on the strike zone and keep our eye on the prize. This is not a game for the weak, this is not a game for the meak. Nobody is inheriting anything if we have a say in it. After we work the batter we're taking it all back to the begging to study the fundamentals of the game. We're starting with the space lenses and this time we're going much dee...

Life Under the Lens

September 25, 2022 01:29 - 2 hours - 112 MB

We're going to take the hardest look at space lenses we've ever taken before. We're not only going to lift them up to look under the hood but we're even going to pay that homeless dude at the walmart who always offers to clean your windshield to clean this spacelens we brought to the Walmart with us today just to prove a point. I knew this would be a horrible idea - parking is impossible for a 40,000 cubic ft space lens that is part of the God system - omnipresent and omnipotent at best. What...

The Universal One

September 24, 2022 02:08 - 1 hour - 93.5 MB

The Law of One - the Universal One Man is God - Thought is God Spirit is the Light Dot.Connector.Podcast by BMC Tonight we take a deep look at the Universale One - the Law of One. A magnificent read by Walter Russell. Water's working model on the cubic waveform and the simulation which makes up life. All of the rules and laws that should be followed to keep the balance between man, the universe, it's healing and guiding properties and the our expectations which may or may not be correct. A...

Paranal Chile - the ESO's part in the Holographic Universe

September 21, 2022 23:04 - 1 hour - 101 MB

What's Going on in Chile? Why are there so many target stars in the sky?  No wonder the world is running out of helium! Dot.Connector.Podcast by BMC Some people look at the holographic universe as some sort of game. There's nothing funny or fun about any of this stuff. It takes some people a lifetime to find their way out of this construct and then when they do - where the hell do you go from there? Sometimes you've spent so much time in the construct that you forget which way is up after ...

NASA is running a simulation of an asteroid hitting Earth

September 21, 2022 08:53 - 1 hour - 102 MB

Over the last week, we've heard a lot of talk in the chat about catastrophic scenarios that are supposed to occur on the 24th of this month. Not as many times as I told these people to shut up and stop trying to scare everyone, it was too late, all of us had already had it seeded in our minds. Now because that seed had already been planted, this is all I was personally thinking about all week long. I was trying to piece anything I could together, in order to make this debunked. And as much as...

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