The veil is slipping and showing all of the truths that have at once been hidden from us. It says in the bible that in the End Days all will be revealed and I believe this to be those truths we've all been waiting patiently for. I hope you're ready for the things the keepers never thought we were worthy of or thought that we couldn't handle. I, myself, believe we can't quite comprehend what the veil has been hiding this entire time. Yes, I'm agreeing with them in case you couldn't tell. I believe the other side is far more complex of a reality than we are all prepared for. It's hard to go from the cushy life on Earth to the complexities of the inner working of the God's. There's a good reason why the veil was put in place to begin with. These keepers are looking out for us and not the other way around. They're the keepers of the construct for good reason. It's most definitely a dirty job and someone had to do it. We have the Angels to thank for that.