We're trying something new, it can't hurt. They have us so blocked from search, from social media, we're averaging about 13 views a day. This website has been online for almost 10 years and even in times where I didn't touch the website for an entire year we still got more views and traffic than this. This is why I know there is something malicious at hand. This is some straight up BS. That either means everyone is going to die in a few days (if it happens on Christmas Eve) or...or...or...nothing. I'm getting my content and my website blocked so I'm having a little bit of fun while the end of the world does it's thing. If you're not keeping up on the end of the world Apophis prophecy content I've been putting out then you're making the right decision because I'm positive now that it's a huge pile of BS as well. I think the people whom have been sending me these signs don't have any real power. They're a bunch of douchebags who can only control the holographic clouds and are just two bit fuctbois just like anyone and everyone that appears in the bible. I'd be surprised if anything we've ever heard from the bible has any deep, or esoteric meaning other than the toilet paper it's printed on.