I've always been a big fan of Hip Hop, but I never really pictured myself actually making the music. Well, today that changes. Today, I put out one of the dopest hip hop tracks well the world has ever seen ever since the day of old school hip hop. This is a throwback track to the 1980s and early 1990s, when Hip Hop was at its finest. This track originally started out with a throwback to only a Cypress Hill song that I then hybridized into an onyx song. As you'll soon be able to tell that didn't work so well, I scrap that idea and went on and involved the track into something much different, and I believe much better. Now the reason why I say much better is because I'm no longer biting off anyone else's style, and I'm no longer biting off anyone else's work or their music. This song, is independent, it's no one else's style, it's no one else's song, and it's definitely no one I need to give credit to. The only shout outs that happened in this song or to the 1980s themselves and all of the mistakes that have been made directly in front of our faces and we've done nothing about it. Today, BMC has finally found its footing, and I finally figured out which direction I want to go with this new musical thing.