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BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1,207 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 days ago - ★★★★★ - 707 ratings

Daily Devotional with Pamela Crim | BIG Life Mentor

Christianity Religion & Spirituality Education Self-Improvement
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514 Good News-Bad News

January 20, 2020 13:53 - 15 minutes - 12.9 MB

God designed life with a great balance. Where there is darkness, he brings light. Where there is struggle, he creates growth. Where there is bad, he promises good. There is not one without the other. It’s the yin and yang of life. The pull and the push required to help us become who we were […]

513 Here Comes the Sun

January 17, 2020 13:58 - 20 minutes - 16.5 MB

Most every morning I hear my husband singing in the kitchen “here comes the sun, little darling, here comes the sun and I say, it’s all right.” Mornings are my favorite. That’s one of the many reasons why. Here’s another: Lamentations 3: 22-23 says “The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the […]

512 The Master Plan

January 16, 2020 13:49 - 17 minutes - 13.9 MB

If you have a dog, you understand the importance of obedience. If you have a big dog that can launch you into a face plant, you really understand the importance of obedience. Our yellow lab is appropriately named Tank. He’s 130 pounds of curiosity and ambition. He loves his mama because I sneak him table […]

511 Full Circle

January 15, 2020 13:55 - 21 minutes - 17.6 MB

Our God is the God of full circle. He is always at work to bring all things together for good. He is forever using mayhem for miracles and destruction for destiny. He is the one who creates beauty from ashes, and he’s also the God who allows the fire to first create the ashes before […]

510 God’s Wrecking Ball

January 14, 2020 13:55 - 18 minutes - 15.2 MB

One of the most powerful prayers I know to pray is the wreck it prayer. God, here are my plans, if you have something better in mind, wreck it. And often he does. I can spend days creating an elaborate plan of action, I can even be in the middle of working the plan, and […]

509 You Will Win

January 13, 2020 13:53 - 18 minutes - 15.3 MB

In this life you will have battles to fight. It’s guaranteed. We were never promised a trouble free life. But we were promised victory through Christ Jesus. There will be victory! Whatever you’re facing, whatever your struggle, somehow, someway, there will be victory. Sometimes our human eyes and limited understanding struggle to see it because […]

508 The Return Home

January 10, 2020 13:45 - 18 minutes - 15.3 MB

Yesterday morning I led the 12 women here for the BIG Life Goal Setting Retreat on a walk on the island. The sun was shining, the beach was practically all ours and we set our sights to the west and we started walking. We reached the tip of the island and turned around. And that’s […]

507 Launch Into the Deep

January 09, 2020 13:51 - 13 minutes - 11.3 MB

If you were to launch this year, what would that mean for you? If you were to go all-in, holding nothing back, really have your take off, and break free from the shallows of living, what would life look like for you? This is a question posed to our group of 12 women at our […]

506 Ingredients and Process

January 08, 2020 14:01 - 17 minutes - 14.3 MB

We all want something better in life for 2020, but do you understand the ingredients and process required for the life you desire? I come from a long line of good cooks. My mama taught me the secrets of a a thick flaky piecrust and a coconut cream filling with 3 inch high meringue worthy […]

505 The Broken Pieces

January 07, 2020 13:48 - 17 minutes - 14 MB

Sometimes good plans fall apart. They say it’s so better plans can come together, but in the moment it doesn’t feel better, does it? It just looks like a mess. A mess of broken pieces. A pile of what could have been, but now isn’t. What do you do with the broken pieces? How about […]

504 A Changed Identity

January 06, 2020 13:53 - 15 minutes - 12.9 MB

There’s nothing in your life God can’t work with and through. There’s nothing in your past he can’t use, and nothing in your future he will be shocked by. He knows the end from the beginning, and while you are given free choice in your life, you can’t screw this thing up beyond God’s repair. […]

503 Demolition Day

January 03, 2020 13:47 - 16 minutes - 13.7 MB

This new year of life has been presented to you as an opportunity. An opportunity to do things you’ve never done before. An opportunity to go where you’ve never gone before. An opportunity to become who you’ve never been before. And with this opportunity comes two emotions: Excitement … and Fear. It’s exciting to imagine […]

502 Swimming Lessons

January 02, 2020 13:45 - 16 minutes - 13.3 MB

Potential. It’s my personal word for 2020. My focus is to live up to my God given potential and guide others to realize their own. All the potential for the life you most desire is right inside of you. It’s there because God put it there. And your desires are there because God put the […]

501 2020 With Confidence

January 01, 2020 13:57 - 19 minutes - 15.8 MB

If there’s ever been a clean slate and fresh start to life, here it is! The beginning of a brand new decade. You can step into 2020 with confidence. CONFIDENCE. An area many women struggle with. A determining factor between success and failure. There’s a difference between confidence and self-righteousness. This isn’t arrogance. True confidence […]

500 Got What It Takes

December 31, 2019 13:56 - 17 minutes - 14.2 MB

When God formed you, he had an imagine in mind. A picture of who you could be and the life you could live. He envisioned it, then created you. He formed you with the greatest of intentions. I’ve always wanted to form a piece of clay at the potter’s wheel. It’s probably since watching that […]

499 Before You Write 2020 Goals

December 30, 2019 13:58 - 22 minutes - 17.8 MB

Tonight is our annual BIG Life Goal Setting Broadcast. You have the potential of writing goals that will radically change your life, and I will be your guide. I will show you in very practical steps how to dream, how to plan, and how to take action without being overwhelmed. This could be a moment […]

498 New Level of Living

December 27, 2019 13:53 - 17 minutes - 14.5 MB

Are you ready for what God has made available to you in 2020? Have you prepared yourself for the next level of living? Think of your life like a video game. There are levels of the game. No one ever gets through a level in one try. You try, you fail and you try again. […]

497 Allocating God’s Power

December 26, 2019 13:46 - 15 minutes - 12.5 MB

A few years ago I read a book that changed my perspective on prayer. It explained prayer as allocating God’s power. So imagine when you pray over a specific situation or person, you’re sending God’s power in that direction. Sometimes I don’t know the words to pray, so I simply call out to God with […]

496 3 Men Wise

December 24, 2019 14:22 - 13 minutes - 10.7 MB

Today I am going to do another take on my bonus podcast from last Christmas Titled – 3 Men Wise. I am borrowing from the 3 wise men of the Christmas story to talk about the 3 “Men” in my life who have added to my understanding of love. The first man who taught me […]

495 The Thrill of Christmas

December 23, 2019 13:47 - 18 minutes - 14.7 MB

My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night. It’s one of those songs I sing every year during a candlelight service that gets me all choked up. It says: “A thrill of hope; the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees. Oh hear the angel voices. O […]

494 The Potential In You

December 20, 2019 13:47 - 18 minutes - 14.8 MB

POTENTIAL. Ya’ll know I love my P words. But this one in particular has been running through my mind continually. I believe ‘potential’ is the key we seek for the changes in our life we desire. The potential for more in your life. The potential for better of yourself. The potential for a higher level […]

493 The Hand You’re Dealt

December 19, 2019 13:49 - 18 minutes - 14.7 MB

My family has two very unlikely Christmas traditions. When we gather around the table, we play. Our first game is BINGO. My great-grandma started the tradition before I can even remember. She loved her BINGO. In the center of the table is a pile of random wrapped gifts. When you BINGO, you unwrap a gift. […]

492 It’s Already Here

December 18, 2019 13:46 - 17 minutes - 13.9 MB

What do you have today my sister? Understand that is exactly what God wants to use. Understand the solution to your problem lies in what you already have. 2 Kings chapter 4 begins with a story titled ‘Elisha Helps a Poor Widow’. Within this story is something for you today. Let’s read together starting in […]

491 Best in the Mess

December 17, 2019 13:52 - 16 minutes - 13.1 MB

God can use anybody. Anybody can be used by God to show his power, to prove his majesty, to fulfill his divine plan. You with your past failures, your current problems, your list of what you can’t do or don’t have, your limitations, your insecurities and fears … all of these things are tools for […]

490 Your Rescue Story

December 16, 2019 13:42 - 14 minutes - 11.8 MB

You have a rescue story. A story of what could have been, but you were miraculously rescued from it. A story of a path you were on, then an intersection that changed everything. A story of despair, now exchanged for a story of hope. This is your rescue story. Some mornings I wake up with […]

489 The 3 Day Fast

December 13, 2019 13:48 - 17 minutes - 14 MB

Fair warning now, you probably won’t like what I’m throwing down today. This may make you so uncomfortable that you need a passport to get back in your comfort zone. May the brave continue listening (or reading). Have you ever done a fast? Fasting is the intentional abstinence from something that is available to me, […]


December 12, 2019 14:17 - 13 minutes - 10.8 MB

Do you ever feel alone in your trouble? Like you’re the only one in the world this stuff happens to? I know sometimes in life it feels like you’re constantly struggling to keep your head above water and just when you learn how to swim there’s another tsunami coming your way. Like sweet Lord, I […]

487 Vision for 2020

December 11, 2019 13:47 - 17 minutes - 14.2 MB

2020 is only 3 weeks away! 2020 is the year of vision. The year of seeing our God-given potential clearly, the year of new perspective, the year of focus. 20/20. It’s time to SEE exactly what God can do in a fully surrendered life, anxiously seeking to become all he created us to be. As […]

486 We’re Up For It

December 10, 2019 13:43 - 17 minutes - 13.8 MB

Morning. The beginning of a new day. A welcoming of things which have never been before. An opportunity for that which we have never, and will never, experience again. Morning. The time when God’s mercies are new. A time when God responds to our human need personally, in a heavenly way. An offering of life. […]

485 Strength to Surrender

December 09, 2019 13:45 - 15 minutes - 12.6 MB

Have you ever given up on something in the past and just wish you would have kept going? Where would you be today if you wouldn’t have given up? Oh dang! Healthier, stronger, further along perhaps? It’s easy to imagine how life could be if we would have stuck with the things we gave up […]

484 Rock On Girl!

December 06, 2019 14:00 - 19 minutes - 15.4 MB

We’re all seeking the secret to getting to the next level of life. How do you level up? How do you graduate to more? How do you get that promotion to higher grounds? How do you climb up from where you have been and taste what is available now? I’m completely humbled by the journey […]

483 Make Today Count

December 05, 2019 13:47 - 13 minutes - 10.7 MB

This morning we woke up to 27 days left in this decade. 10 years of living and it all comes down to these final 27 days. What could you do with this time? The options are many, however the most popular choices will be to stress and rush. And what do we miss if we […]

482 Positioned By a Problem

December 04, 2019 13:45 - 16 minutes - 13.4 MB

There’s one thing that helps me when going through a problem. One thing that gives me permission to still find joy on the journey when the journey is darn hard. This one thing is knowing down deep within that there’s a purpose. There’s a purpose in my problem. There’s a purpose in my pain. There’s […]

481 Not What It Seems

December 03, 2019 13:59 - 15 minutes - 12.3 MB

There are seasons in our life where things seem to all be going wrong. Where our efforts seem to be in vain because our progress is so little. A season where the days seem so long. Are you there? Is this your current season? There’s an important word I’ve used here, and it’s a little […]

480 Available and Excited

December 02, 2019 13:45 - 16 minutes - 13.6 MB

Are you available? To be available means you are open to something. Or are you occupied? Occupied with the busyness of life and all you have to do. God has a question for you today. He’s not concerned with your ability, he wants to know your availability. God can equip you with anything and everything […]

479 Black Friday Mayhem

November 29, 2019 13:42 - 15 minutes - 12.8 MB

Welcome to Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving where your jeans fit tighter and everything is on sale! It’s always interesting to me that we go from the day we declare our gratitude for all we have, and jump into the day we need to go out and buy more. Americans will spend approximately $5 […]

478 Day of Thanksgiving

November 28, 2019 13:34 - 13 minutes - 10.6 MB

Every morning when we wake up, we get to choose our attitude. Any attitude we wish is available for the taking. We can put it on and wear it the entire day, and just like the right pair of shoes can change the outfit, the right attitude can change your experience. Most days we wake […]

477 10 Year Challenge

November 27, 2019 13:48 - 15 minutes - 12.8 MB

Have you seen it going around on Facebook? The 10 year challenge. Post a photo of you today compared to a photo of you from 10 years ago. Sounds scary because, girl, you’ve gotten older! However, have you noticed what I’ve noticed? Everyone looks remarkably better today at 10 years older! What?!!!!! Ya’ll we’re getting […]

476 God’s Big Project

November 26, 2019 13:45 - 19 minutes - 15.4 MB

Have you ever taken an honest look at your life, where you are, how you are living, and who you’ve become, and honestly been a little disappointed? Or maybe a lot disappointed? This isn’t how you imagined your life would be. You thought by now you would have things figured out. You thought by now […]

475 Offer of the Day

November 25, 2019 13:49 - 17 minutes - 13.9 MB

Maybe you woke up this morning feeling less than. Well, are you ready to be lifted up on this Monday morning? Are you ready to receive life today, direction for today, and energy to do exactly what needs to be done today? God is here to meet you, to revive and restore you. Where have […]

474 How God Responds

November 22, 2019 13:42 - 18 minutes - 14.9 MB

Today, I will teach you one of my greatest secrets to living well. A tool that has guided me countless times. It is a tool you’re guaranteed to already have, but perhaps no one has taught you to use it yet. That changes today! But first, I must take you to Hebrews chapter 11. A […]

473 You’re Up For Promotion

November 21, 2019 13:50 - 14 minutes - 11.8 MB

I have a truth bomb to drop on you this morning. A truth that perhaps you haven’t thought about. This truth is going to change your day – FOR REAL. Are you ready? Now I mean, are you really ready? This one is big. Write this down … God’s end goal is ALWAYS promotion. Every […]

472 Let’s Talk Willpower

November 20, 2019 13:53 - 21 minutes - 17.1 MB

Jesus did not come and die for you so that you could live a defeated life. He came to give you victory. Yes, victory in the area you’ve been defeated. Victory in the very circumstances of your life where you’re struggling most. We become slaves to the things which we cannot control. Jesus came to […]

471 You’re a Powerhouse

November 19, 2019 13:56 - 19 minutes - 16.1 MB

What if I told you direct access to the single most powerful force in this world is available to you today? Would you be so bold to use it? If the power is available, would you believe that you’re worthy to tap into it in your life … or would you shrink back and tell […]

470 What’s Next?

November 18, 2019 13:55 - 18 minutes - 15.3 MB

There’s a moment in our lives when we face the biggest invitation to just coast, go through the motions, call it in, and give less than our best. A moment when we wake up without direction and no real excitement to find it. When is that? Surprisingly it’s not after disappointment. The most volatile time […]

469 The Road to Yes

November 15, 2019 13:55 - 17 minutes - 13.9 MB

Today is one of those surreal days in my life. May I share it with you? I’m here in Illinois to fulfill a longtime goal. A big stage awaits. A stage I’ve envisioned for years. The TEDTalk stage. This is a goal I’ve pursued relentlessly multiple times and let me tell you, it didn’t just […]

468 Unleashed Chain Breaker

November 14, 2019 14:00 - 18 minutes - 14.9 MB

Do you ever feel like maybe you’re ready to move, then something holds you back? You see what you want, but you’re yanked back in time and time again. BIG Life has a mascot. His name is Tank. He’s a 130 pound yellow lab. Tank loves snacks, yoga, long walks and squirrels, oh how he […]

467 Captives Set Free

November 13, 2019 13:53 - 13 minutes - 11.3 MB

Google shame and today you get a whole bunch of Brene’ Brown quotes from her famous TEDTalk. Shame is a popular topic today and one that has been on my mind a lot. Shame. The very word brings an emotion that makes me feel like a little girl hanging my head low, hiding from what […]

466 Why the Struggle?

November 12, 2019 13:57 - 15 minutes - 12.6 MB

In today’s devotional I’m taking you to Sunday School. We’re going to study a bible story, snack on a tiny cup of goldfish crackers and then we’re going to make a little craft out of cotton balls and popsicle sticks to take home. Okay, no we’re not. We’re just going to study a scripture, you’re […]

465 Get Yo’Self On Path

November 11, 2019 13:51 - 18 minutes - 15.3 MB

You and I are on a journey. Our entire lifetime is a journey. We’re never staying the same, everything is always changing. Even when we feel stuck, life is moving on and we’re on a path to somewhere. At the end of the day I like to give myself perspective by asking “Pamela, if you […]

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