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BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1,207 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 days ago - ★★★★★ - 707 ratings

Daily Devotional with Pamela Crim | BIG Life Mentor

Christianity Religion & Spirituality Education Self-Improvement
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614 A Disappointing No

June 08, 2020 12:48 - 12 minutes - 10.4 MB

Sometimes we get exactly what we want, but most often, we don’t. Typically our wants and wishes are met with a reality that seemingly falls short and we’re left with the offering of disappointment. Disappointed it didn’t go as well as we hoped and things didn’t work out as we planned. Are you disappointed right […]

613 But God …

June 05, 2020 12:57 - 16 minutes - 13.4 MB

God is fully satisfied with who he created you to be. He’s proud of how he formed you and equipped you. Oh what pride he poured into the details of YOU. Every thing with purpose for a purpose. From the color of your skin to the color of your eyes and the special shape of […]

612 Poor In Spirit

June 04, 2020 12:55 - 15 minutes - 12.7 MB

Jesus said we are blessed when we are poor in spirit. Well what does that mean because quite honestly it doesn’t sound very appealing. Let’s face it, nobody likes being poor in anything. But what if being poor in spirit is something totally different than the poor we avoid? Poor in spirit is not the […]

611 Impatience, Fear & Impulsiveness

June 03, 2020 12:58 - 16 minutes - 13.2 MB

God uses screwed up people to do some of his best work. He uses those who have walked a few miles on the wrong path, those who have failed miserably, those who are impatient, fearful and impulsive. Jesus was the only perfect one God ever used … the rest of us fall in the other […]

610 He Said You’re It

June 02, 2020 12:57 - 19 minutes - 15.4 MB

You have been chosen, hand selected, set apart by the almighty God to do his work. God had his eye on you this entire time, preparing you for a time such as this. A time for you to be who he created you to be. A time for his power and his love to work […]

609 God’s Plan Back

June 01, 2020 13:00 - 15 minutes - 12.8 MB

*** This is a safe place. You will never hear a political message here. We protect this space to keep it positive and allow one thing to permeate our hearts, GOD’S WORD. When things get real, as they sure have over the past few days, more than ever we need a safe place to find […]

608 When God Orders

May 29, 2020 13:06 - 22 minutes - 18.5 MB

Whatever God orders, he pays for. Wherever he has a purpose, he has a plan, and provision for that plan. He sees the end from the beginning and the way has been made for all he desires. What has he ordered in your life? What has he aligned for you? What did he specially design […]

607 Is Your Helmet On?

May 28, 2020 12:49 - 14 minutes - 11.7 MB

Did you know it’s not only your soul that has been saved, but your MIND has been saved as well. The hill where Jesus was crucified was called Golgotha which means “skull”. The victory was won over your mind by Jesus on the skull! How absolutely strategic. The evil one fights to take back what […]

606 God’s Crazy Provision

May 27, 2020 13:02 - 21 minutes - 17.7 MB

What if God is leading you somewhere, and that somewhere is good. Actually that’s not a what if, that’s 100% truth. God is leading you. He is guiding you, and the destination is exactly where your best life can be revealed and realized. You can count on that. You can expect to like this destination. […]

605 When Things Go to Crap

May 26, 2020 12:49 - 13 minutes - 11.3 MB

Few people eagerly anticipate the storms of life. Storm chasers are psycho! The storms come, we hunker down, we hold our breath, we wish it away, and then when the storm passes we breathe again. We all would prefer a storm free life. A perfect life where all things go perfectly as planned. But honey, […]

604 Ask, Look, & Try

May 25, 2020 12:58 - 15 minutes - 12.9 MB

Isn’t it nice to know someone’s thinking of you? Just to be thought of and remembered brings us a feeling of happiness. Now, imagine the creator of the universe is thinking of YOU. The One who holds the entire world in the palm of his hand thinks specifically about you! And get this, his thoughts […]

603 A Slave to Nothing

May 22, 2020 12:53 - 18 minutes - 15 MB

Who were you in the past? The girl who made bad choices? The girl who never followed through with what she said she would do? The girl who started strong and fizzled fast? The girl who hated mornings, slept like it was her job, gossiped like a pro, bent the truth to suit your lies? […]

602 God Waits For You

May 21, 2020 12:49 - 16 minutes - 13.7 MB

Who could you become? What could you do? You’ve been given this one life to figure that out and give it all you’ve got. Honey, if cauliflower can become pizza, you my friend, can do anything! Nothing in your past can hold you back from your future. You have been set free to move forward. […]

601 Overcoming the Negative

May 20, 2020 12:52 - 15 minutes - 12.8 MB

This summer may be different. Store dressing rooms are closed. Ya’ll how are we supposed to buy a new swimsuit? THIS IS A REAL DILEMMA. Remember how you used to complain about the trauma of buying a new swimsuit and looking in the mirror as you tried them on … oh well, you may be […]

600 An Abundant Filling

May 19, 2020 12:51 - 16 minutes - 13.2 MB

Throughout the day you are breathing, and you likely never notice your breath. Breathing doesn’t require intentional effort, your body does the work without your consciousness even catching on. Until you can’t breathe … then you know. Your awareness is hyper focused on breathing when it is threatened. I went over 40 years of my […]

599 Try the Casserole

May 18, 2020 12:52 - 14 minutes - 11.8 MB

If you’ve ever had a picky kid, you know the pain of introducing a new food. Your offers are immediately met with resistance. They don’t want new, they want the familiar chicken nuggets. Their mind is set firmly on not liking it before they even try it. My kids were all 3 raised in a […]

598 Get On Outta Here!

May 15, 2020 12:51 - 12 minutes - 10.4 MB

You have a purpose. That purpose is threatened. You are overflowing with potential. That potential is under attack. You have a destiny. That destiny has a detour. You have a creator who has tremendous plans for your life, and you have an enemy who is actively fighting every single one of those plans. Your enemy […]

597 But I Don’t Feel Like It

May 14, 2020 12:57 - 16 minutes - 13.5 MB

Chasing our feelings can get us in trouble. If we are waiting to “feel like” doing something before taking action, odds are we’ll be waiting a heck of a long time. My house would be a wreck and my work would be left undone because honestly I don’t really “feel like” doing it. Feelings often […]

596 The Rhythm of Now

May 13, 2020 12:54 - 14 minutes - 12 MB

Life has a rhythm. Sometimes that rhythm is fast and furious, and other times that rhythm is hurry up and wait. It seems many of us are waiting. I talked about the wait last month, certain at this point in May we would be beyond the wait and moving forward. I was wrong. We’re still […]

595 Awareness of the Miraculous

May 12, 2020 12:46 - 15 minutes - 12.3 MB

There’s a tremendous difference between being alive and truly living. What’s available to you today goes beyond just getting through the day. Why do we often forget the point of today isn’t just to get through it, we have been given this day to fully live it. I imagine God leaning over his throne in […]

594 Now It’s Over

May 11, 2020 12:50 - 15 minutes - 12.8 MB

Life is continually changing. Sometimes that change means letting go of something you’re not quite ready to let go of for something you’re totally unsure of. We are creatures of habit, and even the most adventurous of souls still hold on. We grow comfortable where we are and uncomfortable with what may be coming. AND […]

593 How God Texts

May 08, 2020 12:55 - 15 minutes - 12.8 MB

If you knew clearly what God wants, you would likely do it, wouldn’t you? But, if you’re like me, sometimes it’s unclear. I can tell you 1 time in my life I have heard the audible voice of God, and 2 times I have felt the undeniable promptings of God. Outside of those 3 instances, […]

592 The Real You

May 07, 2020 12:54 - 20 minutes - 16.2 MB

Have you ever gotten on the right track, made progress, then for one reason or another slipped and gone back to old ways? Maybe this is even your track record. You know the pattern. You make a positive change, that change lasts for a short season, but don’t get too excited because you know it […]

591 Purpose In Your Position

May 06, 2020 12:58 - 17 minutes - 14 MB

The difference between thriving and just surviving during hardship is finding purpose in your position. Could you be here for a reason? Are your current circumstances a fundamental part of a greater future? Is this a stepping stone to greater things ahead? Are you in training for the next season where your confident faith and […]

590 Desire and Destiny

May 05, 2020 12:50 - 18 minutes - 15.2 MB

When God created you, he had an image in mind. He had a life’s purpose and destiny envisioned for you, then he equipped you perfectly for it. Part of the equipping we often miss is the DESIRE for the life we were created for. That’s right, he not only makes you the right person to […]

589 When Mountains Change

May 04, 2020 12:50 - 16 minutes - 13.2 MB

  God sees things we can’t see from our current place and position. Our perspective is grounded in reality, while God’s perspective is in light of eternity. His picture is a gazillion times larger than ours. We are limited to here and now and what we think we know. God actually knew every day of […]

588 Broken For More Jesus

May 01, 2020 12:58 - 21 minutes - 17 MB

Even when things seem confusing, God’s divine plan is unfolding for your good. Even when things seem out of control, God is in complete control. Even when you are uncertain, God is absolutely certain. He’s absolutely certain of the potential he placed within you, the power available to you, and his plan of victory before […]

587 When You Have to Wait

April 30, 2020 12:57 - 20 minutes - 16.5 MB

Are you waiting? Waiting on an answer? Waiting for something to change? Waiting for something to happen? And as you wait, your entire life feels like it’s on hold. Why the delay? Why this stagnant time where nothing seems to be happening? Why is there so much uncertainty about your future? What is God doing […]

586 God In the Nest

April 29, 2020 12:53 - 19 minutes - 15.6 MB

I watched a bird meticulously build her nest for several days in our backyard pergola. Every morning I would go out to find she had added more to the nest until it was perfection, awaiting her precious eggs. Then a storm came through overnight and the next morning I found her perfectly constructed nest laying […]

585 Who Could You Be?

April 28, 2020 12:59 - 17 minutes - 14 MB

Jesus extended an invitation to two brothers who were fishing. The invitation was simple, “Come, follow me.” He wasn’t inviting them to a business meeting. It wasn’t a 3 day conference or a weekend trip. The invitation was for an adventure. An adventure with Jesus. Today, you and I receive that same invitation. Come, let’s […]

584 I Don’t Understand

April 27, 2020 14:13 - 15 minutes - 12.9 MB

If God isn’t getting you out of it, then he’s giving you the strength to get through it. If it’s not good yet, then God’s not done yet. Your understanding is not required. Your trust however is. Trust him and keep on doing good. Some things in life simply don’t make sense. I don’t understand […]

583 Content in the Crazy

April 24, 2020 12:55 - 14 minutes - 12 MB

Are you currently content? Do you feel at peace and satisfied right now? Some would say our current circumstances prohibit being content. Our world has been turned upside down. Ya’ll I haven’t had a Starbucks in 6 weeks. Schedules are all out of whack, some jobs have been lost while other jobs never seem to […]

582 The Best Is Yet To Come

April 23, 2020 12:52 - 15 minutes - 12.9 MB

When you imagine the life God created you for, and the journey to living that life, what do you see? If it’s a journey to travel, what does that journey look like? We often assume the “right path” in life will look like a highway through the flatlands of the midwest. God will go before […]

581 How To Become Your Best

April 22, 2020 12:56 - 15 minutes - 12.8 MB

God put his best in you. You are lacking nothing. He didn’t cut corners or go cheap when he created you. He envisioned all you could be, then he put exactly what it takes within you to make it possible. We’re all on a journey, a journey to becoming who we were created to be. […]

580 Provision For Your Problem

April 21, 2020 12:55 - 14 minutes - 11.8 MB

Whatever your problem is, your solution is nearby. God does not promise a problem free journey, he promises provision for every problem along the way. Look around, your solution is likely less miraculous in appearance than you imagined and more practical in nature. It’s the offering of the little you have which somehow becomes enough […]

579 Prepare Your Praise

April 20, 2020 12:52 - 15 minutes - 12.4 MB

You may be going through hardship now, but are you prepared for victory? What will you do when this struggle turns to success? Prepare yourself now for the other side. Exodus tells us of the great exit of the Israelites from their 430 years of slavery under the rule of Egypt. After plagues troubled Egypt, […]

578 Spend a Life

April 17, 2020 12:57 - 16 minutes - 13.5 MB

You have a balance. What’s remaining of your life. The number of days you have left to live. We all have one, this unknown balance. A number we can’t see, but everyday is another one down. What we can see are the ones we have already spent. We can look back and count the days […]

577 For the Angry Mama

April 16, 2020 12:51 - 12 minutes - 9.89 MB

Anyone feel like the tension in your home is so thick you could cut it with a knife? People be all testy after spending this much time together. Everyone’s on edge. Little things annoy the snot out of you and you’re like one loud chew of that sandwich away from slapping someone with it! How […]

576 Your Way Yahweh

April 15, 2020 12:50 - 16 minutes - 13.7 MB

Have you ever gotten your way and realized your way wasn’t best? Have you ever pushed your point, only to see in the end you were wrong? It’s humbling to come face to face with the fact you don’t have this whole thing figured out. There have been times in my life when I acted […]

575 What Do You Need?

April 14, 2020 12:52 - 18 minutes - 15 MB

Ya’ll I’m falling in love with Jesus. I’m beginning to see him in a way I’ve never seen him before. Strangely enough, this new found love is the result of a YouTube series. Have you heard about the new series called “The Chosen”? Few people in my circle have seen it, but after hearing one […]

574 This Letdown Is a Setup

April 13, 2020 12:51 - 16 minutes - 13.3 MB

Sometimes I feel let down. Do you ever feel that way? You get your hopes built up for something and reality is a harsh disappointment. For many, that kinda sums up Spring 2020. Here we are finally in this new season where the bitter cold has passed and the time for road trips, camping trips, […]

573 The Bigger Picture

April 10, 2020 13:33 - 18 minutes - 14.7 MB

Good Friday, the day we remember the crucifixion of Jesus. The personal sacrifice of One for all. For me. For you. On this day we remember Jesus carrying that cross for us. We remember him willfully stretching out his arms as they nailed him to that cross, signifying “this much.” This is how important you […]

572 Communion In My Home

April 09, 2020 12:59 - 13 minutes - 11 MB

Today is honored as Holy Thursday. This is the day we remember Jesus’ final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. That final meal is known as the Last Supper. You’ve likely seen the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci depicting the scene around the table. Imagine for a moment being at that table. Gathered […]

571 What’s Chasing You?

April 08, 2020 12:59 - 14 minutes - 11.9 MB

God’s goodness and mercy have been chasing you all the days of your life. Following you, pursuing you. Wherever you have been and wherever you go next, know that God’s goodness and mercy is always your companion, always available, and never in short supply. Are there stipulations to this? Like, if you’re a good person? […]

570 He’s Making a Way

April 07, 2020 12:58 - 14 minutes - 11.7 MB

Has God ever made a way for you before? Have you ever stood on the edge of impossible and seen it unfold? Have you been touched by his mighty power in the past? Has his power brought about provision for you? Somehow you made it through. Have you experienced divine appointments only he could have […]

569 Vacancy Sign Is Lit

April 06, 2020 12:59 - 19 minutes - 15.7 MB

I grew up in a tiny town in Missouri that no one had ever heard of. Every third year our family had enough money to go on vacation. Our vacation was a single overnight stay in a town 45 minutes away. A town that had a water park, a rollercoaster, go carts, a live show, […]

568 Keep Me In the Moment

April 03, 2020 12:51 - 18 minutes - 15.4 MB

How much has your life changed? Are you missing something you once had which is no longer a luxury you’re afforded? Ya’ll know me by now. You know I’m a generally ridiculously positive person. People tease I wake up farting rainbows, even before my morning coffee. But yesterday morning I had myself a little moment. […]

567 Not What I Imagined

April 02, 2020 12:56 - 14 minutes - 12 MB

I know I’m being guided somewhere, I just don’t know exactly where. I know I’m continually being protected from something, I just don’t always see the threats coming. I know I’ve been saved countless times, and the majority of those times it’s me I needed saving from. This is what Jesus offers us. Guidance, protection, […]

566 Still a Stone Roller

April 01, 2020 12:53 - 18 minutes - 14.9 MB

Jesus was a stone roller. He did the impossible. He brought dead things back to life. He rolled the stone back from his own grave to rise up. And never forget, HE IS STILL A STONE ROLLER TODAY! He never stopped rolling stones and bringing dead things back to life. He never stopped reaching down, […]

565 Trials and Triumph

March 31, 2020 13:00 - 19 minutes - 15.7 MB

You have permission to breathe now. Maybe you’ve been holding your breath a lot lately. Most of us have. Uncertain times causes shallow breathing. You know what it can also cause? Shallow living. If we’re not careful, these uncertain times and hardships can cause us to get in a rut of shallow breathing and shallow […]

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