Welcome to Big Girl Panties Podcast!

This show is designed to cultivate together, educate and inspire millennial women who have been affected by traumatic or grief striking circumstances in life. We get real on the experiences we'd normally like to forget & reclaim our power after it felt like all hope was lost.

My name is Alexis Bean (or Lex), and in this first podcast episode, I’m sharing what exactly Big Girl Panties is, what inspired it’s creation, and a little insight into my life and my connection to grief and loss.

Do you want to join the Big Girl Panties sisterhood? Connect with us!

Email - [email protected]
Instagram - @bgplife
Facebook - @bgplifeblog
Website - www.bgplife.com

And subscribe to the Big Girl Panties newsletter here.

Thanks for tuning into the show & supporting the Big Girl Panties movement! 
