If you lift weights and have instagram then you'll know exactly who Sonny Webster is. He's that jacked weightlifter wearing sliders and shouting "send it" as he throws 200kg around like its lightweight.

Sonny has been in the Weightlifting game for the past 15 years. He has a Sport Performance BSC and competed at the 2016 Olympic games for Great Britain. He's the guy that's bringing sexy back to Olympic Weightlifting. 

In this long overdue catch up with Sonny we talked about his move from the UK to Australia, and why starting a new life in paradise is the best thing he's ever done!

Follow on Insta:
Sonny's Insta: @sonnywebstergb
Sonny's website: https://linktr.ee/sonnywebster
Biff’s insta: @biffoly
YouTube & Spotify: Biff Bash Bosh Podcast 

Thank you so much for listening!
Having conversations with incredible people like this honestly lights my soul on fire. The purpose is purely to feed my curiosity, but if my guests can inspire, educate or support people along the way then i’m stoked. 

If you have anyone who you think would be a slamming guest then drop me a DM on Instagram!

Biff x