We are diving back into the conversation about empowering women and how they choose to build their brands and business.

Today, I am talking with Nikole Mitchell, who is a pastor turned stripper and top creator on OnlyFans who went from living off of food stamps to earning 6-figure months.

We discuss the evolution of the content marketing industry and what lies ahead for women in the selling of sex.

“What you think about yourself at the end of the day, is the most important.”


Nikole’s story of being a pastor who turned into a stripper. The journey of finding herself. Trauma vs. empowerment. The truth behind the industry Nikole is in. What sex work really is and what the misconceptions are. Refusing to be anything but who you truly are. The power of the behind the scenes footage. Why you should have your audience on lists and systems you own. Building boundaries in your business. Manifesting what you want. Marketing yourself in a way that works. The fight that lies ahead for women.

Connect with Nikole

Instagram: (@mitchellnikole)

Facebook: Nikole Mitchell 

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