It’s not easy for someone to admit when they were wrong. For the second time in recorded history (no way to verify that), I was wrong.

When I bring up the word “privilege” or “privileged” it can create a feeling of defensiveness for so many. It’s easy to understand why; we might retort back to that and say, “No we’re not privileged, I built this all myself.”

Although that might be true, we need to unpack this fully so we can understand it fully.

“Privilege is a special advantage that some have and others do not.”


  • The true definition of privilege.
  • Advantages and what they really are.
  • Having privilege vs. acknowledging privilege.
  • Why the starting point is important to recognize.
  • Why 24 hours is not the same for everyone.
  • The importance of transparency and accountability.
  • Getting your intentions and messaging aligned.
  • Owning when you are wrong and making a change.

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