New Year, new show, new branding! Now, more authentic! 

Looking back over the years, a lot of what I saw in hindsight was inauthentic. I couldn’t see it while I was in it, but looking back, I did. There were specific instances and larger themes where I can see I strayed off course and got lost a bit.

I’m reflecting on that today as I refocus and zone in on my mission, one that is authentic to me. 

“There are no hidden formulas. There are no secrets. There are no special approaches or manifestation mantras that can change that.”


A recap of this podcast and the evolution it has gone through. Seeing the inauthenticity in my own work. Specific moments in my recent career that I can see I strayed from what I stand for and why it’s important to bring up and reflect on. Lies sold within the industry and the damage they can do. What successful entrepreneurship is really about. My mission moving forward. What each of us need to do to see improvements. What I want this podcast to become and how you can take part in it.

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