In Episode #45, I am sharing my conversation with Dr. Nadine Macaluso, a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice. We talk about Identifying, Understanding, and Healing Abuse and Dysfunction in Relationship. Trained in NARM and Somatic psychotherapy, Nadine emphasizes the mind-body connection when working with couples and individuals. Her personal and clinical expertise is in complex trauma, attachment, trauma bonds and narcissism. Dr. Nadine is also the ex-wife to the infamous Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort. And. She uses her personal experience and her professional expertise to help others end or heal abusive relationships and find the strength to create something better and healthier. We discuss-

Trauma bonding

Attachment styles

Signs of abusive/unhealthy relationships

Why we fall victim to and stay in abusive relationships

If it’s possible to take apart the dysfunction and build something better and healthier

Setting strong boundaries as a defence against abuse and to nurture our relationships.

What does a healthy relationship look like

How to recognise and differentiate between genuine remorse and empty apologies offered to keep you in an abusive relationship

How do you continue to nurture your individuality without taking away from your relationship and so much more

So, let’s dive in!

Dr. Nadine's website-

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An Introduction to the Dark Tetrad -

The betrayal bond by Patrick Carnes -

Adult Attachment -  

Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch -

Women who love psychopaths by M a Sandra L Brown-

 Art of loving by Erich Fromm -

Emotionally Focused Therapy, Dr. Sue Johnson -

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