In this conversation, I talk to Danette May about embracing a holistic approach to healing. Danette May is the co-founder of Mindful Health and Earth Echo Foods, a much sought after coach for leaders and celebrities, a renowned speaker and best selling author of 7 books; Danette inspires people around the world to step up into the true and full expression of themselves and live up to their fullest potential. Her teachings and programs have transformed the lives of millions of people, allowing them to live their happiest and healthiest lives. She was named #16 on Women’s Fitness’ list of fitness & health leaders for 2018. In addition to her signature programs and products, and best selling books, Danette shares her wisdom and simple life hacks through national media interviews, keynote speeches and mastermind sessions, is a regular podcast guest, and has been featured in several documentary films. Through her brands, Danette focuses on the three pillars of healing: healing foods, healing movement, and a healing mindset. We discuss-

Where do we start our healing journey and is there an area that should be prioritised

Despite clarity, we struggle and stay stuck. We find it difficult to take forward action, why?

How to heal dysfunctional beliefs so that we don't self-sabotage

The kind of coach or other professionals we should work with to find lasting growth

Working on your mindset

Practical things we can do to get unstuck and find the confidence to share and work on our story

How Danette began her healing journey and what did she struggle struggle with the most

How to deal with the negativity and lack of support when it comes from our loved ones

What to do if you need support but your loved ones don’t come through

How Danette navigates her moments of insecurity

Attracting abundance in our life

Danette's NEW book-Embrace Abundance:

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