Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose artwork

Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

131 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 days ago - ★★★★★ - 19 ratings

Welcome to the corner of the internet where Jesus-loving women meet to win at life together. 
Life is tough, my friend. But so are you. You can do hard things and here on the Bold, Brave and Beautiful Podcast, we’re here to help. If you have a heart for living out your purpose, this this the place for you.

Join me and amazing special guests as they share inspiring lessons of faith, stories of courage and practical next steps that you can follow toward the adventure of faith and purpose that God has for you.

Let’s jump into the journey to live bold, choose brave and be beautiful in Christ together.

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Healing From Your Past - Jennifer Renee Watson

March 27, 2018 21:15 - 33 minutes - 30.7 MB

I love the word “gutsy.” In fact, a gutsy woman is always inspiring to me! She’s the kind of gal who knows that the odds are stacked against her, but she makes a big move anyways. There have been so many gutsy women in my life – I could take up this entire blog listing them. In a world where women are fighting against so much, we need brave, courageous women who are willing to risk it all for something better. Sometimes, the greatest gutsiest risk we’ll ever take is the one that involves c...

Chronic Pain: When God doesn't heal

March 14, 2018 23:34 - 29 minutes - 27.1 MB

“On what should have been the most beautiful day of my life, a switch flipped in my body…”  Have you or someone you know struggled with chronic pain? For 20 years, speaker and author, Melinda Means fought chronic pain and autoimmune disorders that she jokingly referred as the “gift that keeps on giving.” Melinda is the author of the book, Invisible Wounds: Hope While You are Hurting. As we talked today, she reflects on the years on constant doctors appointments, diseases and treatments,...

Living Without the One that You Love - Lisa Applelo

March 07, 2018 00:42 - 29 minutes - 26.6 MB

"They took me into the counseling room. The doctor gently told me that they tried everything that they could, but they were not able to revive my husband. So, I went home to do the hardest thing that I ever had to do."  Lisa Appelo's life changed forever in just one night… On this new episode of Better Together podcast, I have a heartbreaking, yet hope-filled conversation with writer and speaker, Lisa Appelo.  She’s a Florida native and a homeschooling mom to seven kids, now aged 27 to 1...

The Hard Work of Faith & Forgiveness - Lynn Kampfer

February 19, 2018 03:33 - 43 minutes - 39.6 MB

“I read Bill’s words as he confessed that he had lied to his family and had stolen, and spent, $1,000,000 from his aunt’s trust fund. It was obvious he confessed at trial to get a reduced sentence. I was numb and in shock…I had asked God for the total truth but had never dreamed that the truth would be so painful. How could my husband and best friend, who I had known since I was five, be a liar, a thief How could my husband and best friend, who I had known since I was five, be a liar, a th...

Finding the Grace in Motherhood - Amy Seiffert

February 07, 2018 02:47 - 28 minutes - 26.1 MB

Are you tired of cleaning up the same messes day after day? Are you tired of making dinner, changing diapers or driving carpool day after day? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you aren’t alone! In fact, you’re invited into a guilt-free zone for a precious conversation today about embracing God’s grace in the messiness of motherhood. On this episode of the Better Together podcast, my guest is speaker and author, Amy Seiffert. She’s the author of the new book, Chin Up: Wear...

Talking to your daughter about sex - Lauren Snyder

January 30, 2018 17:20 - 36 minutes - 33.2 MB

Who taught you about sex as a child? If you’re a parent, how do you feel about talking to your child about sex? According to a survey conducted by Knowledge Networks, 57% of parents feel uncomfortable talking to their kids about sex and 64% reported that their parents didn’t do a good job talking to them. How do we engage in this important conversation with our kids with confidence as well as effectiveness? On this episode of the Better Together Podcast, I’m talking Lauren Snyder, Execut...

Teaching Your Kids to Be Kind To Themselves - Kim Fredrickson, MFT

January 08, 2018 04:04 - 36 minutes - 33 MB

What do you do when you hear a child say negative things like, "I'm stupid," "I suck," "I can't do anything right," or "I'm worthless"?  It's a new year and new episodes of the Better Together podcast! Today's episode is a critical conversation for all parents and anyone with influence in a child, teen or young adult's life.  Here's our question: How do we teach a child to get back up again emotionally after getting knocked down by failure, a mistake, bullying or careless words? There's...

Raising Brave and Confident Daughters - Lynn Cowell

October 16, 2017 00:57 - 24 minutes - 22.6 MB

Did you know that a girl’s confidence peaks at the age of nine? Statistics report that 7 out of every 10 girls don’t feel like they measure up.   Moms, how can we raise our daughters with the confidence to pursue courageous and fearless lives? Today's Better Together podcast guest, author and Proverbs 31 Ministry speaker, Lynn Cowell, tells us about her journey to discover what it means to be brave and courageous in her life. As women of all ages fight to find that same confidence, Lyn...

Your Biggest Fashion Questions Answered - Shari Braendel

September 25, 2017 00:04 - 24 minutes - 22.2 MB

What frustrates you about clothes and fashion?  On this episode of the Better Together podcast, fabulous fashion expert Shari Braendel is back! Recently, Shari asked her audience about their top fashion dilemmas. Over 1000 women responded to Shari's survey and here were the top three questions: 1. How do I dress for my body? 2. How do I pick the right style for my hair? 3. How do I put together an entire look? In this episode of the Better Together podcast, Shari answers those thre...

Four Bridges to Build with Your Teen Daughter- Barb Roose

September 10, 2017 04:34 - 18 minutes - 17.4 MB

In the newest episode of the Better Together podcast, I talk about the following four bridges that build connection with our teen and adult daughters: 1. Kind Words - How do you speak to your daughter? What we say is most often a reflection of our heart, not our daughter's actions. Our kind words can actually heal the emotional and physical pain that our daughters experience in life. 2. Discover Her Love Language - Do you know your daughter's love language? Both of you can take the free ...

Stop Complaining with Melissa Spoelstra

August 27, 2017 03:40 - 27 minutes - 25.4 MB

How do we learn contentment in a culture that is always pushing us to pursue more? What are we missing out on if we're always searching for the next best thing? Author Melissa Spoelstra shares lessons that we can learn from her new Bible study, Numbers: Learning Contentment in a Culture of More about the Israelites' journey through the wilderness. While God planned to bring them to the Promised Land, their arrival was delayed because they complained too much. Listen as we talk about why ...

Five Positive Things to Say to Yourself Before You Go Shopping!

August 07, 2017 03:40 - 18 minutes - 16.9 MB

In this episode of the Better Together podcast, host Barb Roose shares five positive statements that women can use before, during and after their shopping experience. As one who has battled an ugly struggle with self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image, Barb shares godly wisdom for women at every age and stage in life. These five statements reflect God's truth about women. Here are the five statements: 1. If it doesn't fit, I promise not to buy it. 2. I will buy the best for my budg...

How to Be Friends Again After Fighting- Natalie Chambers Snapp

May 23, 2017 21:38 - 19 minutes - 18.1 MB

So, you and you friend have gotten into a fight. What now? A few years ago, I hurt a friend. It wasn't on purpose. There was a conflict between my friend and another person. I thought that I was being helpful - a bridge-builder per se. I stuck my nosy nose into the situation and gave my worthless two cents. The next day, my girlfriend called in tears to let me know that my well-meaning words put her in an awful position. I felt awful. I'd hurt my friend.  Have you ever been hurt by a fr...

Finding Heart Sisters - Natalie Snapp

May 22, 2017 03:56 - 20 minutes - 18.7 MB

What is it with women and friendships? As much as we know that we need good girlfriends, we can't seem to stop ourselves from friendship drama! We're surrounded by a culture that has dipped the term "BFF" in 24 carat gold, so if you don't have a BFF, then you're hopelessly alone forever. On the other hand, we're flooded with "Real" television shows that make backbiting, pettiness and betrayal the norm. Recently, one "Housewife" was kicked off her reality television show because she spread...

Finding Inspiration - Catherine West

May 08, 2017 05:15 - 19 minutes - 18.2 MB

  Last week, it rained for several days straight in my little corner of the world. It rained enough that I regretted passing up that fabulous pair of rainboots that I saw at the store. My soggy sneakers held up just fine... Since we experience all four seasons in my area of the country, heavy spring rains always seem to wash away the last vestiges of winter and pour in the freshness of the spring season.  Is your life ready to embrace spring? Did you know that every season has a ...

Pushing Through: Letting Go of Insecurity - Catherine West

April 28, 2017 16:30 - 21 minutes - 19.4 MB

Do you ever battle insecurity? We all do! Even if usually you feel like Confident Connie on a good hair day, there are times when our inner critic pipes up and whispers, "You'll never pull that off." Some of us grew up in homes hearing "You're useless" or "You can't do anything right." Those words planted seeds of insecurity in our hearts. For others, a big mistake or a crushing failure planted a powerful seed of insecurity in our hearts.  Insecurity whispers "You'll never good enough...

Why Am I Still Depressed (Part 2)- Melissa Maimone

April 20, 2017 20:06 - 24 minutes - 22.2 MB

Oh my, goodness! Last week, I shared my story about a year-long battle with depression as well as a powerful podcast interview with my friend, Melissa Maimone.  Boy, did I hear from you! I've gotten more notes and messages about this podcast than any other. One woman shared that God used our discussion to confirm that she needed to talk to her doctor about depression. Praise God! Depression is a medical condition that can make us feel alone, fearful and hopeless. At its worst, depr...

God, Why Am I Still Depressed? - Melissa Maimone

April 13, 2017 02:53 - 22 minutes - 20.6 MB

"I had no idea that my life would look this."  Melissa Maimone is a Christian speaker and author. When you meet her, the first thing you'll notice is her bright smile and warmth. Yet, Melissa has struggled with major depression for most of her life. Can you relate?  Depression is extremely common in women, yet we're still struggling to find the courage to talk about it. In this week's Better Together podcast, Melissa and I dive into her personal story, including some difficult aspec...

Fighting for Human Trafficking Victims - Merrie Karimov

April 10, 2017 03:30 - 18 minutes - 16.6 MB

My first exposure to human trafficking came in 2010 when I walked by a wooden shipping crate and saw a young girl huddled inside. She was tucked into a corner of the small crate wearing a t-shirt and pair of shorts. Her head tucked into her knees with long, dark hair covering her face. How did a human being get shoved into a wooden box? How is that possible? Luckily, the young woman in the box was an exhibit at our church women's conference. Every half hour or so she was free to stand an...

No More People-Pleasing - Merrie Karimov

April 03, 2017 03:12 - 20 minutes - 19 MB

  Do you find it hard to say "no" when someone asks you to do something that you don't want to do? Do you feel a driving need to keep the peace, even if it means that you have to stuff your real feelings and keep silent?  For many women, being a people-pleaser is a survival skill that we picked up during our younger years. Maybe we wanted to earn the approval of our parents or boyfriend or we wanted certain kids to like us. No matter our motivation, the driving need to be liked or acc...

De-Crazy Dinnertime with Laura Bell & Alison Frye (Part 2)

March 27, 2017 01:44 - 17 minutes - 15.8 MB

How often do you find yourself scrambling to put together dinner? Are you tired of relying on pizza or grocery store rotisserie chickens to bail you out when there's nothing thawed in the fridge? A few years ago, I was lucky enough to latch onto a group of women interested in transforming their families' dinner time experience. Once a month, we'd spend 3-4 hours preparing 10-12 delicious freezer meals in our individual homes. Then, we'd meet at a designated location and exchange our meals...

De-Crazy Dinnertime with Laura Bell & Alison Frye (Part 1)

March 20, 2017 21:21 - 23 minutes - 21.3 MB

Mom, what's for dinner? Ahhh, the daily question that haunts mothers all across America. It's well-known that 4pm-7pm is a mother's least favorite time of day. Between after-school or daycare pick-up, sports practices or music lessons and figuring out homework, tired mamas often dread tackling dinner time preparation. As much as we'd love a hearty, healthy homecooked meal, what we want more is someone to make it for us! But, what if you could enjoy a great home cooked meal with your fami...

Waiting on God When Waiting Gets Hard - Marlo Schalesky

March 06, 2017 02:35 - 31 minutes - 28.4 MB

Have you been praying for something for a long time? Maybe you've been praying for: ...healing in your marriage or for a marriage proposal; ...healing from a cancer or another disease; ...the restoration of a broken relationship; ...a pregnancy or solution to infertility; or ...a loved one's salvation or freedom from an addiction. Whenever we pray, we do so with the expectation that God will answer our prayer in some way. But, what do we do when it seems like God isn't doing anyth...

Pursuing Racial & Social Justice - Cara Meredith

February 20, 2017 07:04 - 44 minutes - 41.2 MB

  Yesterday, I took my two younger daughters to a Black History Month community event at our local art museum. Artists from our community shared their talents inspired by African-American composers and musicians. A multiracial audience experienced a variety of unique expressions from performers of every race and culture. As the mother of three bi-racial daughters, I wanted to seize this opportunity to let my girls see and hear people who could elevate the unique gifts, talents, and pass...

Help! We Need HELP! (Volunteer Recruitment)

February 08, 2017 17:24 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

Are you exhausted by all of the work that it takes to plan and execute women's ministry events at your church? Does it seem like the same women volunteer all of the time and you'd like to see some new faces get involved? Are you worried that no one will take over if you decide to leave your women's ministry position? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions or you know that your women's ministry leader would answer 'yes', then this podcast is for you! My name is Barb Roose an...

Kim Fredrickson - Give Yourself a Break

February 05, 2017 01:58 - 42 minutes - 38.6 MB

    How often do you criticize yourself? Too many of us have a running negative dialogue in our mind about our faults, failures, shortcomings and mistakes.  In today’s Better Together podcast, we’re discussing how self-compassion is the key to treating ourselves with the kindness that motivates us toward self-care and resiliency. As a former ministry leader, now life coach, I've observed that self-compassion is the one thing that women consistently refuse to give themselves. Too ofte...

How Do I Seek God First - Nike Anderson

January 29, 2017 17:32 - 9 minutes - 8.64 MB

Do you ever struggle to find time for Bible study and prayer? Goodness, I think that I can hear all of the amens going up around country! I get the struggle. I LIVE the struggle. I love Jesus, but I get distracted. Don't let me pick up my smartphone and accidently hit the Facebook app instead of my Bible app.  But, are we missing our blessing? When I spend regular time in Bible study and prayer, I can feel it! The sweetness of God's Holy Spirit leads me and I am so blessed. In a worl...

How To Live Love When We Disagree- Melissa Spoelstra

January 15, 2017 21:22 - 26 minutes - 24 MB

Are you tired of watching people fight with each other? Do you get discouraged when you see Christians unfriending each other, not just on social media, but in families and friendships?  If so, then you’ll be encouraged by today’s podcast. I’m sitting down for an important conversation with Bible study teacher and author, Melissa Spoelstra for a kingdom conversation on the Bible teaches Christians to handle disagreement. She recently released a Bible study on the book of 1 Corinthians, a ...

How To Not Make Our Kids Our Report Cards- Melissa Spoelstra

January 12, 2017 19:27 - 46 minutes - 42.8 MB

Have you ever felt like your child was your parenting report card? If he or she was doing well in school, then you felt great. But, if your precious cherub was causing the teacher to pull her hair out, then you were failing. How do we snap out of making our kids our “report card” and instead love and raise them as God calls us to do? Proverbs 22:6 tells us to direct our children onto the right path so that when they are old, they will not leave it. If the Bible tells us to teach our kid...

Help Me Jesus, I Have Nothing to Wear!

December 30, 2016 20:17 - 41 minutes - 38.4 MB

Ladies, let’s admit that we have an awkward relationship with beauty. I actually have another phrase that I use…we have an ugly struggle with beauty. This is such a shame because Psalm 45:11 tells us that God is enthralled with our beauty. Unfortunately, we are not so enthralled with our beauty. How often do we criticize, complain or cry about how we look in our clothes? Furthermore, how many of us feel guilty, even less spiritual because we do care about how we look? We’re in for a t...

Welcome to the Better Together Podcast with Barb Roose

December 03, 2016 23:31 - 50 seconds - 780 KB

  The Better Together Podcast with Barb Roose is coming in January 2016!  Friends, life can be crazy sometimes, right? Where do you go when you are pressed for time and you're all out of answers? It's a perfect time to call your girlfriends!  Speaker and author Barb Roose gathers real women sharing their real life experience about the topics that we all care about - family, friends, career, health and faith.  The Better Together podcast will air new episodes twice a month. If you do...


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