The Better Together Podcast with Barb Roose is coming in January 2016! 

Friends, life can be crazy sometimes, right? Where do you go when you are pressed for time and you're all out of answers? It's a perfect time to call your girlfriends! 

Speaker and author Barb Roose gathers real women sharing their real life experience about the topics that we all care about - family, friends, career, health and faith. 

The Better Together podcast will air new episodes twice a month. If you don't want to miss an episode, make sure to subscribe to or subscribe to "Better Together with Barb Roose" on iTunes or Google Play.

Do you have ideas for podcast topics or suggestions for great podcast guests? Tell Barb! Email [email protected]. She'll probably send you a little "something-something" for taking the time to reach out and connect.

Make sure to listen to the podcast preview and share it with your friends!