Are you exhausted by all of the work that it takes to plan and execute women's ministry events at your church?

Does it seem like the same women volunteer all of the time and you'd like to see some new faces get involved?

Are you worried that no one will take over if you decide to leave your women's ministry position?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions or you know that your women's ministry leader would answer 'yes', then this podcast is for you!

My name is Barb Roose and I'm a Christian speaker and author. However, I served on staff at a local church for 14 years, most recently as the Executive Director of Ministry. As a former volunteer, ministry leader and church staff, I know all of the hard work, late nights, sweat, tears and prayers that go into planning women's events. I know what it's like to dream and plan - only to feel frustration when volunteers don't show up. But, I've learned some key principles to recruiting and retaining high caliber volunteers along the way.

One of the people that I've learned from is Cindy Casey, a fellow ministry leader and long-time local church staffer. Over the past 15 years, Cindy has recruited hundreds of volunteers. She is truly one of the best volunteer recruiters I know!

Take 10 minutes and listen to my short interview with Cindy. She'll talk about how she recruits leaders, especially young leaders. Cindy will also talk about how she activates and appreciates her volunteers.

If you enjoy this podcast, send me a note! My hope is to bring hope and help to you. What you do in your church and community matters so much and my prayer is that God can use me to support you along the way.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] with your volunteer recruiting questions or issues. If there's an interest, I'll do another podcast with the answers to your questions.

