In this episode, we discuss all things brain related. From genetics to trauma and children to natural health, Lee Ann brings a great overview of how we can optimize our brains and the impact our brain has on the rest of our health and life.

Lee Ann Foster's passion is to help people live their healthiest, happiest lives so they can make the world a better place for all. As a Master's level psychologist/neurotherapist, Epigenetics Wellness Coach, certified HeartMath coach, PSYCH-K Facilitator, Frequency Specific Microcurrent provider, and Trauma Transformation Coach, Lee Ann gives her clients the type of care that is well rounded, holistic, and science-based.

These tools helped Lee Ann overcome some chronic trauma and health issues. She uses her education, personal traumas, and healing experiences to offer transformational services to people who want to enjoy more vibrant and fulfilling lives.

She is married to Dr. Dale Foster with whom she co-owns an integrative psychology practice, NeuroSource, LLC. They have two fun and brilliant daughters, a wonderful new son-in-love, and a bit of an overweight, hilarious cat named Leo. Lee Ann and Dale love to take long walks in nature while discussing the deep meanings of life, absorb lots of sunshine on the beach, and backpack in Bankhead National Forest. They are both aging well together and you can learn more about how they are involved in human optimization and optimal aging by checking out the soon to be published  Codes of Longevity book and the Longevity summit that premiers and airs for free on October 14 - 18.


NeuroSource Website:

On the website: free ebook 5 Ways to Optimize Your Brain for More Focus, Confidence, and Joy

Connect with April:

Instagram: @april.disher