How do SaaS sales and customer success compare? Today we speak with Louis Nicholls, co-founder of SparkLoop. You'll learn how to approach customer success with long-time-to-value products, what to watch out for with sales calls and demos, the benefits and drawbacks of freemium, and much more.

Visit our website for the detailed episode recap with key learnings.

Show notesSparkLoop — referral tool for newslettersReferralHero — a referral tool run by Louis’s co-founder, ManuelGymhopper — the first of Louis' startupsClassPass — fitness, spa, and beauty app with similarities to GymhopperPostPerk — marketing SaaS tool for eCommerce, one of Louis' companies that he recently soldSales for Founders — Louis's famous courseArrows — tool for creating mutual action plans with customersTen Email Ideas for Your Customer Success Automation — Jane’s blog postFind Louis on TwitterEmail Louis

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