In this episode, you will learn that you should play like your life depends on it – because it actually does!

Darryl Edwards is a well-known speaker, author and known as The Fitness Explorer and the creator of Primal Play. In this episode, we hear Darryl talk about his interesting journey that took him from an unwell investment banker to a fit, playful and happy fitness motivator. We explore how we may need to re-think exercise and fitness to create a more fun and functional model that is sustainable for everyone and believe it or not it’s not that hard! This is filled with usable tools that you can inject into your life right now!

Show Breakdown:

•Why Darryl went from investment banking to Fitness Explorer.

•Primal play.

•Band-Aid treatment vs addressing the cause.

•Ancestral movement – what we actually know.

•What we needed to survive.

•3D movement.

•Feast on movement or become malnourished!

•Gyms good or bad?

•Why you what to fidget!

•How to play as an adult when fitness becomes a chore.

•Try deadlifting your mate!

•I don’t want to be the best at an exercise, I want to be well.

•Workout vs Playout.

•A simple approach – just move, in different ways, often and spontaneously.

•Bringing intention to gain benefit.

•A chore or a challenge? – The missing element of play.

•What to stop doing now and what to start doing right now.

•Ancestral birth rituals and postnatal care.

•What Darry eats for breakfast.

•Darryls wisdom for the world!

Find Darryl Edwards here:



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The post BMR 11: The Well Balanced Movement Diet with Darryl Edwards appeared first on The Wellness Couch.