Did you know that just by changing your mindset around your food consumption you can feel better, look better and even rid yourself of pain?

In this episode I talk with Dr Verena about eating for aesthetics vs eating for wellness and we really dive into body image and how we can begin to make a positive shift. Dr Verena has conducted extensive research in nutritional science and published material on the ‘nutrition transition’ – a point in time where our food practices changed dramatically as well as our global wellness. More recently Dr Verena has studied Neuro-Training & Yogi, bhogi, rogi burp and behaviour change which is why this is such a powerful combination and an episode you don’t want to miss!

Show breakdown:

Verena’s journey.
Best me vs perfect me.
The outer perfect body image.
Dr Verena’s PHD study.
Transition through food – when our health turned.
Food diversity, cash crops, agriculture and indigenous food practices.
Community based food vs eating alone.
Taking the focus off getting in shape to get in shape!
Where exercise fits in.
How to sort the misinformation from fact.
Operating out of intelligence vs fear.
How fear causes pain and inflammation.
Why you need to be aware of your thoughts when exercising!
How to begin to address body image issues.
Imagination and self talk are insights.
Connect with yourself and love yourself.
Connect with what you love and avoid self punishment.
Connect with other people!
Remove the bad choices, inject nourishment.
Mindful eating – ‘earth to table’
Proper food preparation.
The whole food ceremony.
Dr Verenas favourite tools: including the Yogi-bogi-rollgi-burp technique.
Verena’s wisdom for the world!

Find Dr Verena here:

Website: doctorverena.com

Special Discount for BestMe Listeners – $50 off first consultation with Dr Verena (only available until October)

Click here: https://doctorverena.com/consultations/ – consultations-1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctorverena/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctorverena/

Todays show is brought to you by:
www.richnutrients.co.nz – Coupon code BESTME to get 10% off!
www.healthfitcollective.co.nz – Guiding you dreams to reality – book a free consultation

The post BMR 10: Body Image – Your Best-Self vs Your Perfect Self – with Dr Verena Raschke-Cheema appeared first on The Wellness Couch.