Many people have great physical hygiene practice – but perhaps many don’t invest in emotional hygiene and this can lead to many issues including chronic pain, unhappiness, aggression, anxiety, depression, low resilience and much more. What can we do to ensure that we have the best emotional tools to navigate life? Its much simpler than you think!

In this episode I talk with, lawyer, craniosacral therapist, cat lover and founder or Roar Fierce Coaching Anna Thomson about all things emotion.

Show breakdown:

Anna’s journey through law, health and craniosacral therapy.
Tools for pain and emotion.
What is emotion?
How we construct emotion.
Feelings and emotion are different.
Environment is everything!
The body tells a story.
Embryology – how we are shaped before we are even born!
Pain, posture and emotion.
Emotional hygiene.
Grounding techniques.
What I can do when I’m overwhelmed.
Emotional first aid.
Emotional trauma.
3 things that happen under panic.
The pain experience.
Tools – Breathing to change your state.
What we can do to give our children the tools to ensure good emotional wellbeing.
Addressing fear.
What should we stop doing now?
What shall we apply now?
Anna’s wisdom for the world!

Find Anna here:

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The post BMR 12: Emotional Hygiene – With Anna Thomson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.