Show Notes:

We have been diving into simplifying and finding genuine meaning in the midst of the chaos of the holiday season. Today we are digging into what we value and looking at how this can evolve and change over time. We are talking about how to reflect on what serves us, as well as what doesn't serve us well; how to refine what we choose to better reflect what serves us meaningfully; and ways to recharge in the midst of it - both passively as well as actively. 

Episode Challenge:

Sit with the questions outlined in the show: What serves you well during this season? What used to serve you well but no longer does? What has never served you well? How might you refine your choices to maximize what serves you well, and reduce the things that don't? And how can you seek out spaces and activities to recharge - both passively (chill out time) and actively (memory making fun or engagement)?

Additional Resources:

Self-assess indicators for burnout and related concerns by using our free Beating the Breaking Point Indicators Checklist & Triage Guide

Check out some of our related episodes…
·        S3E5-8 Reclaiming Self Series (being in alignment with values and being the people we want to be)

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This podcast is designed for First Responders and Front Line Workers including Law Enforcement (Police, RCMP, Corrections, Probation Officers); Public Safety (Fire Fighters, Community Liaison Officers, Emergency Call-Takers and Dispatchers); Social Services (Social Workers, Community Outreach Workers, Addictions Support Workers, Housing Support Workers, etc.); and Public Health (Nurses, Doctors, Hospital and Health Support Staff) and anyone else who works in high exposure, high risk workplaces. Please help us to help our community heroes by sharing this free resource to those you know in these front line roles.