Episode 52 - The Writer’s Toolbox  - The Writing Workshop

In this episode, Pete and Laura chat about the tool of a writing workshop.

What Is A Writing Workshop?How Does A Writing Workshop Run?What Is The Aim Of a Writing Workshop?Why Is A Writing Workshop Useful For People Who Want To Write? What feedback we should expect from a writing workshop?How Can Derbyshire Writing School Help?

At Derbyshire Writing School, we run courses, workshops, and retreats to help you develop your work. We are planning some exciting writing workshops centred around critique and development of your creative work and events that simple celebrate time to write. To find out more, sign up to our monthly newsletter. 

Inspiration to writers from Steven Pressfield

Stephen King writes in his book On Writing – “Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference. They don’t have to make speeches. Just believing is usually enough.”

Send someone you know a note of encouragement today.

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