Episode 53 – Guest Interview – Fiona Thomas

We are back in the writers’ room and we have a guest in our hot seat this week!

Fiona Thomas – from Fionalikestoblog.com

Fiona Thomas is an author and freelance writer with work published in iPaper, Grazia, Happiful Magazine and Huffington Post. Her most recent book Out of Office: Ditch the 9-5 and Be Your Own Boss. They have featured Fiona in Stylist, Forbes, Daily Mail and shortlisted her for a Business Book Award.

In this episode, we ask Fiona:

Can you tell us about your writing journey?What advice do you have for someone who wants to make a living from writing?Can you provide three tips or techniques to help our listener find new clients/ or pitch for work?What challenges have you faced working as a freelance writer? How have you overcome these?Can you tell us more about your book ‘Out of Office’? How did you approach an agent and get your book deal?Your website ‘Fiona likes to blog’ gives a clue about how your writing journey started, but I’d love your thoughts about blogging now? Is blogging dead?What advice would you give to our listener if they wanted to blog?

You can find more about Fiona at:

Fiona ThomasThe 'Typo' NewsletterInstagramTwitter

You can buy Fiona’s books on Amazon:

Depression in a Digital Age: The Highs and Lows of PerfectionismOut of Office: Ditch the 9-5 and Be Your Own Boss

If you liked this episode, we want to hear from you, email info@derbyshirewritingschool.com or send us a voice message.

Thanks for listening!

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