THE WRITERS’ ROOM - Formatting Your Writing.

This week in the Writers’ Room, Pete and Laura talk about how to format your work. 

When formatting your work, there are a couple of different things to consider.

How you layout your writing in a document on the page.How your format your work for printing (we could also call this typesetting). 

Tools to help you format your work: 

Pete has been using Atticus writing and formatting software and is finding it helpful with his Gathering Rosebuds project.

Atticus – Create professional print books and eBooks easily with the all-in-one book writing software.Scrivener – Scrivener won’t tell you how to write—it simply provides everything you need to write and keep writing.Vellum – Create ebooks for every platform: Kindle, Kobo, Apple Books, and more.Free tools to help you format your work – Callibre, Reedsy, and KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). 

PERSONAL PROJECTS – In this section, we share what we’ve been working on.

Laura is writing new posts on Derbyshire Writing School Blog.Pete is working on what keywords to upload for his new books. Answer The Public - Discover what people are asking about on web searches. 

LESSONS LEARNT – In this section, we share what we are learning about writing and publishing, as it never stops! 

Laura: Anna Codrea-Rado Freelancing Newsletter - 

“People want to read stuff that seems niche but is actually really universal.”


To format her book - Everyday Storytellers: A step-by-step guide to writing about your travels, adventures & life – Laura used Vellum. This is a software program that creates beautiful books from your manuscript. It then allows you to upload them, ready for sale. Once you have created your book in Vellum, it’s ready for print. Page numbers. Margins. Headers. Font. Line spacing. All the setup that can take hours elsewhere happens automatically with every book you create.

By using this link, you can buy a tool to publish your books, and it helps support the work of Derbyshire Writing School.

BOOKS WE ARE READING AND RECOMMEND – What books are we reading this week?

Pete speaks about Optimism by Helen Keller

“Simply because they wrote from the sunlit side of life.”

Laura is about to read Short sentences about writing – Verlyn Klinkenborg


We talked about our latest course – Memories to Memoir. <