Episode 50 - New Year, New Goals! Writing in 2022.

In this episode, Pete and Laura chat about the difference between New Year Resolutions or New Year Intentions.

Pete talks about his newsletter – The Art of Memorialising as well as his ‘Intentions’ to increase the % of his income from online projects and products. 

Laura maps out her first quarter plans based on yearly intentions, quarterly goals, and daily actions. 

PERSONAL PROJECTS – In this section, we share what we’ve been working on.

Pete has been using Atticus writing and formatting software and is finding it helpful with his Gathering Rosebuds project. Pete offers a free ebook copy of his book Gathering Rosebuds in Kerala for listeners to the podcast when published in the next month. To get your copy, email [email protected] and request a copy of the ebook. We will also add you to the mailing list of our newsletter as a bonus! Laura has been updating the blogs on Derbyshire Writing School and encouraged, as other writing organisations are now recommending the blogs as a substantial source of information and help. 

LESSONS LEARNT – In this section, we share what we are learning about writing and publishing, as it never stops! 

Pete drifts off to sleep as he tells about the podcast Nothing Much Happens and Laura mentions The Desire Map Experience: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul by Danielle LaPorte. 

Recommended Product of the Week – Audible

Laura and Pete have benefited from having an audiobook subscription with Audible.

Not tried ‘reading’ the latest books while out walking or doing a job around the house? Then try Audible for 30 days free by using our affiliate link - Audible - Derbyshire Writing School

BOOKS WE ARE READING AND RECOMMEND – What books are we reading this week?

Pete speaks about his love of the book Mortimer and Whitehouse Go Fishing. Laura is reading All About Love: New Visions: 1 by Bell Hooks. 

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DERBYSHIRE WRITING SCHOOL THIS WEEK? – How are we building the business this week?

We talked about our course - Memories to Memoir – An Introduction

We want to hear from you! info@derbyshirewritingschool.com

Thanks for listening!