"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!"  Do you remember that sing-song little ditty from the school playground?  I sure do!  We would sing it out loud and wear it like a shield, to protect us when school yard bullies would say mean things about us and we would pretend the words didn't hurt.  But damn, they did hurt!  

I for one, can remember obsessing over whatever newest insult had been hurled at me and then, assuming it was now mine to keep, simply added it to the growing pile of reasons I shouldn't love myself... Why I was subpar... Not worthy of being 'a cool kid'... Or simply just not worthy at all.

I took those words into myself as truth and as belonging to me.  But only because no-one had taught me HOW NOT TO!!!

And, speaking of words... Why are 'inappropriate words' deemed inappropriate, and who decides that they are?  

Why YOU DO of course!!  Words are very powerful - and YOU can choose to assign your own meaning to them - you absolutely DO NOT have to accept the status quo!  Listen to a few quick stories I tell in this episode to illustrate exactly how I do that for myself, and consider it your permission slip to do the same!  

Disclaimer:  I do use a wee bit of 'inappropriate' (or is it???  haha) language in this one... but only to demonstrate a point!

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It's your chance to weigh in! Share your episode suggestions (tell me what you want to know/learn more about to help You become your happiest and most fulfilled You!)  and grow with the show, because that's where we'll be chatting about episodes as they come out, and anything else along the way that can help you on your journey!

You can also find me on IG @becoming.thegoddess.lauren

Thanks for listening! 


https://www.facebook.com/groups/567813201095273  (Calling all Goddesses)