Today on the podcast Kariz Matic and I have an insightful conversation exploring psychology and technology and how connected the two are. Kariz has spent 20+ years creating systems and technology for companies like Cisco, Nestle and Genentech with work that has led to 7-figure cost reductions and revenue growth. She is the CEO of The Matic (a consultancy that helps ambitious leaders, their teams and their products become more productive, competitive and profitable), a mom, philanthropist, maker, mentor and so much more. She believes systems make space for us to discover more ways to share our talents, serve our community and deliver our value. That’s why she’s dedicated her career to finding those refinements one product, workflow and data point at a time.

I recently took a systems building course from Kariz and I was blown away by Kariz and also about the constant ah ha moments of how similar technology and everything I have been learning about psychology relate to one another. 

During this episode we explore:

Psychology & Technology: Enable Simple Systems For Individuals & Communities To Thrive It’s more important to learn than be perfect The cycle of continuous improvement and self discovery - always asking the question - who am I? How systems building relates to community building Rewiring the limiting beliefs around embracing femininity in a masculine dominated industry Technology is the enabler - manifestation of many individuals ideas put together The power of breaking it down to simple, small steps with psychology & technology AND SO MUCH MORE!

Thank you so much for listening in today for being open to the curiosity of what healing might look like for you. If this conversation has you curious and wanting more you can find Kariz's contact information in the show notes below. In addition, I have created a FREE journal prompt pdf to help you breakthrough the cycles that are causing you to feel stuck! - to access click > FREE JOURNAL PDF : BEautifully Unwind One Page at a Time

Have a magical day my friends!


Instagram Personal: @karizmatic



Instagram : @beautifullyunwinding


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