Today, we are going to talk about creating a good customer experience. Last time someone asked you for a recommendation about a place to eat, which restaurant did you recommend?

Our guess is you probably mentioned a place where you had an incredibly good time. This is the same thought process that runs through the mind of all your clients. You want to be the person that meets and exceeds customer expectations. And it all starts by creating a positive customer experience.

What You'll Learn:

- What is customer experience?

- Why positive customer experience is so crucial for your business

- How to measure customer experience

- How to make an excellent first impression 

- The difference between customer service and customer experience

- Tips on how to improve customer experience

- Why you need to ask for feedback and reviews after a completed project 

Positive customer experience is crucial to the success of your business. A happy customer is more likely to become a loyal customer, and the most influential piece of marketing you need is a customer who promotes your business through word-of-mouth. Lastly, it's much easier to retain existing clients than it is to attract new ones. That’s why most of your efforts should be centred around making your existing customers happy. 


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- Connect with Katherine Lyndon 

- Connect with Michelle Lemmer