Welcome back to the show! Today we'll give you some tough love on what we've learned about the excuses we make to justify why we can't achieve our goals. We'll focus on time, or more precisely, the lack of it - perhaps one of the most used excuses to explain why our endeavours are not moving forward.

What You'll Learn:

- Why excuses can turn into a block if we don't pay enough attention to them

- Sometimes it’s not about how much time we have but about how bad we want something

- How to deal with guilt as a mompreneur when taking time for ourselves

- Why it is crucial to avoid comparisons when thinking of how we spend our time

- How to gain confidence by putting the time into our business

- How accountability and self-compassion can help us use our time more efficiently

- The importance of finding a balance between maximising our time and self-care

Change demands actions. We can't expect any change if we don't modify how we think, plan and execute our daily tasks. Rethinking the use of our time is crucial to improving and growing our business; however, working ourselves to exhaustion is not the answer. We must make time in our day to take care of ourselves, unplug from our company, and recharge to be our best version at home and in our business. 


- Get our FREE guide on how to make money instantly in your events business https://bit.ly/balloonsmeanbusiness  

- Connect with Katherine Lyndon https://www.instagram.com/dressyourdaydream/ 

- Connect with Michelle Lemmer https://www.instagram.com/theventsclique