Today, we're going to talk all about community over competition. We know you've already heard that phrase community over competition a million times, and some people might think it's all feel-good, non-essential stuff. However, being part of a community is really the most powerful thing you can have in the event styling business. 

What You'll Learn:

- What is a community?

- How to cultivate a community-over-competition mindset

- Leveraging the power of association and scaling your community

- Prioritising collaboration as a vehicle for community growth

- The benefits of being part of a tribe

- How to overcome success-induced jealousy and comparisons 

- How to handle the pros and cons of being part of a community

- The open-minded and open-hearted approach to community

We all love competition. It forms the core of modern civilisation, and society is better because people compete. However, more successful businesses aren't concerned with how much of the marketplace their competitors are taking. Instead, their primary focus is on how they can best serve their customers. If we could all focus on serving our customers instead of competing, the events space would be a far much better space to work in. 


- Get our FREE guide on how to make money instantly in your events business  

- Connect with Katherine Lyndon 

- Connect with Michelle Lemmer