Previous Episode: #14 - Competitiveness
Next Episode: #16 - Confidence

Do others railroad you?  Are you scared to challenge the status quo?  Are you holding back on expressing your true needs, thoughts, opinions or beliefs because you fear confrontation?   Maybe you don't want to be seen as overbearing or intimidating?  Or perhaps you feel your opinion isn't valued? 

Staying passive comes at a cost in both our professional and personal life.  In this episode leading burnout experts and wellbeing coaches, Dylan Cox and Jayne Morris take a lighthearted look at assertiveness and how stand up for yourself.

The benefits are:

Improved confidenceImproved relationshipsIncreased self worthReduced stressIncreased respect from othersGreater efficiency and productivityDeeper levels of authenticity and trust

Being assertive is  an extremely valuable skill to master and is very different to  being aggressive. Aggressiveness is a win-lose situation without consideration for the opinions or needs of others.   Assertiveness on the other hand, is win-win.  Being assertive means appreciating the needs of others in a caring and empathetic way, whilst clearly and calmly articulating your own needs, thoughts and desires.

Jayne and Dylan explore how assertiveness can help transform personal and professional relationships.  You will discover powerful tools to start incrementally increasing your self-worth, confidence and ability to stand up for yourself.