Today Diane interviews Susie Miller to discuss improving relationships from “boardroom to bedroom” and how to make time in your day for the people you love. Susie explains her PROFIT method for helping busy professionals work on their relationships while still striving in their career. Susie draws on personal experience to give her advice and Diane discusses her own particular interest in this topic relating to her past.

Diane and Susie also examine ways you can ask the people around you for help by highlighting the time when they value your company the most. The advice in this episode is particularly for Type A personalities who might need to be reminded that the most important relationship is the one with themselves; looking after yourself helps to sustain your other relationships.

Susie is a professional counselor who moved into life coaching after a sudden illness made her re-evaluate the levels of stress in her career. She has clients all over the world and published her first book in 2015, the second book is expected in early-2016.

What you will learn:

Susie Miller has a Masters degree in counseling and now works as a Life and Relationship Coach. To maximize your relationships you need to recognize the value they have in every area of life. You need to work on relationships now, and not “when I get to X” in your career. The PROFIT method is an acronym covering ways to work on your relationships while still striving in your career;

P – Priorities, invest your time intentionally

R – Reconnect, rekindle your relationships

O – Open-up, don’t bottle those feelings

F – Focus, there’s no such thing as multitasking in your relationships

I – Intentional Interactions, set your alarm to not miss important events

T – Tenacity, you can’t fix everything immediately

It’s not about the amount of time you spend with someone, but the amount of presence you bring. Treat your relationships like a garden; without nurturing they will wither. Build margins into your day so you’re ready to engage when you get home. Take one step at a time, huge change through small steps. You need to look after yourself to sustain relationships.


Sometimes relationships take the backseat to the busyness of life

It’s not about the same amount of time, but the same amount of presence.

These relationships are the “why” behind what we’re doing.

You need nose-to-nose time.

To connect with Susie:


Listen, Learn, Love: How to Dramatically Improve Your Relationships in 30 Days or Less by Susie Albert Miller


Contact Diane:

[email protected]


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