Do you find yourself doing things that you later resent – or that you resent while you’re doing them – or even before you do them? Are you making commitments that you really don’t want to make or participating in activities because “everyone else is”? Today Diane talks about those things that sap your motivation and unbalance your life – and doing things that don’t add value to your life is a big one! Do you find yourself saying yes to things that you really want to say no to because you don’t want to disappoint someone, or because you’ve committed to it and don’t know how to back out? This episode is for YOU!

Diane takes a deep dive in to accepting and rejecting things from a place of personal power and detailing the wonderful effects this will have on your life when you embrace those things that are truly good for you and add value to your life.

Your challenge in this episode is to call or email Diane with one thing you took action on to scale back on what isn’t good for you, what doesn’t bring value to your life, and how you felt about it afterward. Step in to your power, and claim your life and then share your results!


Passion and Career Survey: 


Contact Diane:

Email me at: [email protected]

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