In this final episode of the Cheryl Morgan Young interview series Diane Randall and Cheryl talk about how to quiet the mind and clear out the day’s worries. Cheryl has a rather unusual method to calm her mind and a lovely story to explain why it works.

As well as quieting the mind Cheryl and Diane discuss how to exercise the body and how to find moderation with your workout schedule. It can be tricky to find the time to fit exercise into a busy schedule so Cheryl has some advice about how she makes the time. Exercise is a necessary part of a lifestyle to maintain a healthy mind however both Diane and Cheryl have experienced what happened when you take this too far and they have some advice for finding a balance.

Cheryl and Diane end with some wonderful advice about learning who you are which will help in relationships, work and for your own mental health.

What you will learn:

Cheryl quiets her mind using Farmville Cheryl’s first pet was a fish – but you can’t stroke a fish! You have to look after yourself but too much time in the gym can end you up in hospital. Do lots of walking to keep your body going. Learn to define yourself, by yourself. Don’t define who you are by who you’re attached to. You often don’t learn to love yourself until you’ve had some bad experiences.


You name it, you go after it and it becomes yours

I’ve always been an optimistic person, because often that’s all I had


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