This episode is part two of the Cheryl Morgan Young interview series where Diane Randall talks to her lifelong friend about everything from work life balance, to exercise and having a supportive family. In this episode Diane and Cheryl talk about how they found inspiration early on in their careers through each other and how life worked out as a single mother starting a new career. 

Diane shares her feelings towards Cheryl and lets her know how inspiring it was working with Cheryl in her first job. This was the inspiration she needed to quit her job, move across the country and start a new career. This is a motivational episode where both Cheryl and Diane explain that you simply need to set your intention and then trust that things will work out. They also plan what Cheryl’s retirement might look like and how her travel plans fit around her busy work schedule. 

What you will learn: 

Diane was inspired by Cheryl when they started working together. 

Set your intentions and then just trust. 

If it doesn’t work out, it’s not going to be all bad – you need to trust it will work out. 

It’s possible to have a life and raise children and be a single mother 

Keep a little part of life for yourself when you’re a mother, it’s the only way to get through the ‘mom-job’. 

Cheryl and her husband also have a travel agency. 

For retirement you need a passive income. 


You just need to trust 

I know those answers will come 

Mothers don’t feel they can have a life and raise children 


Contact Cheryl:


Contact Diane

Email Diane:

[email protected]


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