Even though this comes from a Children’s Behavior book, this is just as essential to understanding and communicating with adults.  Ashley looks at ways to be more constructive, positive and effective in giving feedback. Also lets look at phrases we probably all learned as kids through our parents that are actually discouraging and why they are and how they could be said better. Lastly she will cover the essential to communicating that set boundaries and won’t get misconstrued if these steps are in place within your communication with your kids or adults. 

Communication is the #1 aspect to life that causes problems within adult relationships. All this information can be found in the book Redirecting Children’s behavior.

If you are looking for that extra help to get your practice or business going in the right direction then contact Balanced Body to setup an appointment to go from ordinary to extraordinary. Ashley’s Coaching starts with a free 30-minute session she will then apply the information you’ve given her about yourself, your business, hopes and dreams. In this session, you and your coach will look at your business through the lens of a new Perspective, and you’ll see there is a clear path and process to being successful, you will see this direction with new clarity. You’ll understand the steps you need to take to produce immediate results and long-term change in your life and business.