Tune in to receive a kinesiology balance hosted by holistic kinesiologists Cassie Mendoza-Jones and Kate Kahl, to help you overcome fear and step into possibility.

How often has fear held you back from either moving towards what you want, or taking action in a way that feels aligned and congruent with your highest, truest self? Too often, you might think. In this episode, we share mindset shifts and holistic principles to support you in clearing away fears that are holding you back, so you can more easily follow your heart (and bypass your inner critic).

Join us for this powerful balance and allow yourself to overcome fear, and step more fully into possibility. You’re so worthy and capable of doing so!

To receive our freebie for this episode, head to: https://balancepodcast.pages.ontraport.net/gift

Why not connect with us on socials and keep the conversation going?! We'd love to connect with you! 

You can find us at:
Cass: https://www.instagram.com/cassiemendozajones/
Kate: https://www.instagram.com/katekahl_kinesiologist/ 

If you loved this episode, please make sure to subscribe! We’d also be so appreciative if you’d please leave us a rating and review too. 

We hope you enjoy, 
Love, Cass + Kate xo