Tune in to receive a kinesiology balance hosted by holistic kinesiologists Cassie Mendoza-Jones and Kate Kahl, to help you heal the past to heal today.

So often we look back at past experiences, and with hindsight being 20/20 (clear as day, right?), we give ourselves the hardest of times; berating ourselves for what we shoulda/coulda/woulda done, if only… if we were smarter, had more foresight, felt more courageous, knew better, and on and on it goes. 

This kind of thinking and self-punishment does nothing to bring us back into wholeness and alignment. There’s an easier way to move forwards, and it revolves around self-love, self-compassion, and self-forgiveness. Join us for a balance to help you heal the past, so you can heal today and step forward with more confidence, ease and joy.
To receive our freebie for this episode, head to: https://balancepodcast.pages.ontraport.net/gift

Why not connect with us on socials and keep the conversation going?! We'd love to connect with you! 

You can find us at:
Cass: https://www.instagram.com/cassiemendozajones/
Kate: https://www.instagram.com/katekahl_kinesiologist/ 

If you loved this episode, please make sure to subscribe! We’d also be so appreciative if you’d please leave us a rating and review too. 

We hope you enjoy, 
Love, Cass + Kate xo