Badass Babe Manifest artwork

Badass Babe Manifest

167 episodes - English - Latest episode: 12 days ago -

The vibe here is how to manifest in a simple and FUN way implementing my Abundance DNA Method, without the BS over complicated hacks or fluff.

Welcome to the Badass Babe Oracle Podcast with host Kelly Pender, your Spiritual Manifestation Coach.
Together, we’re going to uncover your unique abundance frequency. Step into who the f*ck you are, unapologetically.
And remove the limitation caps as well as playing it small to open yourself the F up to the unlimited abundance, success & money to EASILY flow into your life and/or business!
Let’s Manifest that sh*t
Press play & I’ll see you inside!

Spirituality Religion & Spirituality Education Self-Improvement empowerment mindset selflove entrepreneur femininepower kellypender selfgrowth selfimprovement spirituality wellness
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Release Energetic Blocks Tying you to the Past

October 05, 2020 12:34 - 18 minutes - 34.3 MB

I had a ‘holy shit!’ moment recently. I’ve been taking weekly crystal baths and reading the book Untamed by Glennon Doyle. There’s an eye-opening chapter in there about grief. Sitting in your pain and allowing it to transform you. She painted a picture of a snake trying to fit into its old, dead skin after experiencing grief. I had an ‘ah-ha holy shit’ moment because this is exactly what I have been doing over the last year. Since our loss of infinity babe, I’ve been on a hell of a h...

Rebel Against Fitting In

September 28, 2020 12:16 - 24 minutes - 45.1 MB

Sometimes when we shine our light, express our feelings and speak our truth, people around us may be like, “Huh? Where did that come from?!” Or have other choice words to say. We immediately take it as a negative and can unknowingly go back to playing it small and dimming our light. I wanted to share with you: Don’t take on other peoples fear Don’t take on other peoples Smallness Don’t take on other peoples Dimness of light Thats’t not yours to carry and it is NOT your responsibi...

Self's a f*cking journey

September 21, 2020 12:15 - 23 minutes - 43.1 MB

Self love encompasses mind, body, spirit & soul. In this weeks episode, we are focusing on the body. Why? Because we live IN our bodies. It’s our temple that we GET to live in each and every day. Accepting and loving our bodies can be beautifully challenging. Point blank. My body has changed in many different ways. This is something I haven’t shared too much about yet because I myself have been processing. Sharing how acknowledging our negative inner self talk is step one to the path...

Your Soul is Calling...Are you Answering?

September 14, 2020 12:49 - 30 minutes - 56.5 MB

Maybe you’ve been feeling lost, directionless, scattered, out of sorts and a little out of your element. Good news is…you’re waking up to your spirit! You are waking up. Waking up to your soul calling, your soul gifts and your soul truths. Are you saying ‘YES’ to what supports, nourishes and uplifts your spirit OR are you staying where you are, in your cozy comfort zone? Moving away from fear-guided to soul-guided can feel scary, uncomfortable and all the things. The spiritual ascension ...

Your Self Care Doesn't Need an Explanation

September 07, 2020 13:35 - 23 minutes - 44.4 MB

Why are you not putting yourself at the top of your priority list? I’m asking point-blank because I am also guilty of this. It’s so easy to get caught up in everyone else’s needs that we forget to take care of & prioritize our own. Guess what babe? You don’t need a reason for self care…you just do it! Make it a sacred part of your life. Respect yourself and love yourself knowing and believing that self care is the fuel to nourish your soul, your body, your spirit. We don’t need to expl...

3 Easy Ways to RAISE your Vibration!

August 31, 2020 13:14 - 21 minutes - 40.8 MB

Sometimes our thoughts alter and affect our mood..and other times we shift into a frequency and aren’t really sure WHY. Um hellurrrr old untrue stories, past perceived failures, emotions, unprocessed feelings, thoughts that take you down a rabbit hole…should I keep going? Let’s take back our power! You are in CHARGE - conscious or subconscious of what is going on in your life! Take ownership over your life! Let’s break down the law of attraction. Our emotions are our unconscious awaren...

WTF Imposter Syndrome?!

August 24, 2020 12:41 - 18 minutes - 34.7 MB

OHHHHH Imposter syndrome…my fave topic to chat about! WHY? Because we all freaking have it.  Imposter syndrome can be a straight up bitch. It’s that icky feeling that makes us feel unworthy, not good enough, isolated….alone. Can you imagine a life without imposter syndrome? It would be pretty boring, mundane and lack luster and radiant energy. We don’t want that! So let’s choose to embrace it! Any degree of imposter syndrome means that you’re stepping out of your box, your cozy comport...

Healing is NOT Linear

August 17, 2020 12:22 - 22 minutes - 42 MB

Our Healing Journey can be really farking hard. Sometimes we get a ‘love tap’ smack dab on the forehead to remind us that we are on our own, unique healing process.  No matter what you are going through, no matter where you are in your life - you are not alone. Allow yourself to be held. Allow yourself to be seen. Allow yourself to lean into Divine Timing.  Tune in to hear what happens when you allow space to be held for you, when you allow yourself to accept your healing process, when y...

Let your Inner Confidence FLY!

August 10, 2020 11:57 - 9 minutes - 17.5 MB

Are you living life as your most 100% authentic badass babe self? Where areas of your life are you dimming your inner confidence? How are you protecting her from shining? In our sacred sharing circle we expressed our feelings in my recent Virtual Retreat on protecting ourselves from fear of being disliked by others. When we lead our life in person, online, wherever you go - with fear of others not liking who you truly are - you are unknowingly dimming your light and not living your vib...

Lay the Fark Down!

August 03, 2020 11:38 - 17 minutes - 32.4 MB

Why as women do we need permission to rest?! Where in the flying fark did guilt come from when we even think about resting? If you are feeling burnt out or low energy, I am giving you full permission to lay the fark down! But you don’t need it from me. You my love, need to give yourself permission.  Rest is literally an essential to your life force energy. Can you surrender to receive? Switch your mindset from ‘I am not doing enough’ to ‘I am worthy.’ Tune in to release limiting beli...

Forgiving Yourself After Miscarriage

July 27, 2020 13:04 - 19 minutes - 36.6 MB

Miscarriage is hard and sucks. Know that you are not alone, sister.  Sharing how FEELING my raw feelings allowed me to see the light, experience the beauty of my spiritual journey and find my way out of the dark.  Free yourself from a fear-based box of labels.  This process is preparing you for your dreams and desires. Your body is doing everything for you.  You are not broken. You are f*cking magic.  Oracle Card Deck: Work Your Light Oracle Cards by Rebecca Campbell 

Release Self Doubt in Your Biz

July 20, 2020 17:17 - 16 minutes - 30.5 MB

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed, doubt ourselves, scattered and out of alignment and feel we can’t move forward in our business until we have every single step pinpointed. Can you allow yourself to HOLD THE VISION for where you want to go with your goals, your clients, your business and to trust? Can you see yourself already having exactly what it is that you want.  The Universe will provide you with your next steps. Can we stop judging ourselves on what we think our journey is 'supposed...

How to Take Back Your Power

July 18, 2020 19:13 - 16 minutes - 31.1 MB

When our energetic chords are attached to people, moments and experiences from the past it is very challenging to expand on your spiritual journey of stepping into your Highest Self because we are stuck and subconsciously living in the past. Take a moment to visualize your energetic chords and/or journal on them and see who or what they are attached to that you have not fully forgiven and released yet. Once you have them claimed, imagine those energetic chords either burning or you energeti...

Shift from Victim Mode to Victorious

July 18, 2020 17:49 - 12 minutes - 23.5 MB

Are you staying in a sh*t mindset and attracting sh*t in return?! Or are you learning to raise your vibrational frequencies to empower yourself to ATTRACT the people and situations that you want into your life?! It's okay to fall into the victim mode. You're human. I do it. Life's not perfect and life can be challenging (if we truly let it). But how can you turn the situation from "Why me?" to .. I allow myself to feel, I can share and choose to see the positive in the situation. Believing...

Badass Babe Oracle Trailer

July 15, 2020 17:52 - 41 seconds - 1.23 MB

The vibe here is HOW to Manifest in a simple and FUN way - without the BS over complicated methods or fluff - the Energetics of Activating your Abundance Frequency & Soul Purpose Alignment. Welcome to the Badass Babe Oracle Podcast with host Kelly Pender, your Spiritual Manifestation Coach. Together, we’re going to uncover the truth of who the f*ck you are to open yourself TF up to receiving the abundance, success & money to easily flow into your life and/or business! All of your desire...

Badass Babe Manifest Trailer

July 15, 2020 17:52 - 39 seconds - 1.18 MB

The vibe here is how to manifest in a simple and FUN way implementing my Abundance DNA Method - without the BS over complicated hacks or fluff, Welcome to the Badass Babe Oracle Podcast with host Kelly Pender, your Spiritual Manifestation Coach. Together, we’re going to uncover your unique abundance frequency. Step into who the f*ck you are, unapologetically.  And remove the limitation caps as well as playing it small to open yourself the F up to the unlimited abundance, success & mone...

BAB Podcast Trailer

July 15, 2020 17:52 - 58 seconds - 1.78 MB

How do I learn to release fear and overcome self doubt? How do I Iet go of negative inner self talk to make room for self love + personal growth? Are you ready to receive channeled Oracle messages to get out of your own way, stop overthinking and move forward in your Divinely guided life?! Welcome to the Badass Babe Oracle Podcast where we create the space to receive guidance, tap into your inner knowing + unlock the secrets to your soul by channeling the Divine Feminine within using ora...