Our Healing Journey can be really farking hard. Sometimes we get a ‘love tap’ smack dab on the forehead to remind us that we are on our own, unique healing process. 

No matter what you are going through, no matter where you are in your life - you are not alone. Allow yourself to be held. Allow yourself to be seen. Allow yourself to lean into Divine Timing. 

Tune in to hear what happens when you allow space to be held for you, when you allow yourself to accept your healing process, when you allow yourself to let go of what your healing process is 'supposed’ to look like. 

Surrender into the unknown.

Lean into the mystery of life.

Let go of forcing your process to look or be a certain way.

Trust YOUR process and relinquish control of outcomes.

Claim to the Universe exactly what you are calling in for yourself. Exactly what you are ready to RECEIVE.

Oracle Card Deck: Work your Light by Rebecca Campbell and The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Guidebook by Kim Krans