No matter where you are or what you’re doing, moving around is going to help. Even if you’re dealing with a disability—and especially if you’re dealing with anxiety and depression.

In this show, we share ways to get yourself moving and KEEP yourself moving. Studies show it’s essential to not only maintaining your health, but keeping your sanity together. And Debi shares about her own routines that make her especially glad that she keeps on movin’….

We talk about yoga, why Suzanne doesn’t ride my bike on the street, Debi’s FitBit, and her favorite YouTube dance workouts. Even what to do when the weather stinks.

As ever, submitted with a hug…

Suzanne and Debi


Misty Tripoli’s Body Groove

Meredith Shirk’s One and Done Workouts

Suzanne’s podcast on Zumba

Funk Playlists on Spotify [LINK TO SPOTIFY]

Funk Outta Here

Funky Jams

Suzanne’s R&B Band, Ruby’s in Town, funky dance parties online


Debi Granger is a true survivor. After nursed two of her children through life-or death experiences, she lost her home in Paradise, California after the worst wildfire in state history. She’s also a working single mom with a disability. Yet, she remains a happy optimist, here to spread joy. She is a retired Dental Assistant with Expanded Function, and lives in the foothills of the Sierras with her fiancé, Chuck. 

Suzanne Falter is a writer, podcaster and essayist whose work has appeared in SELF, O, More, Fitness, New Woman and The New York Times, Tiny Buddha and Elephant Journal. She is the author of multiple self-help titles including How Much Joy Can You Stand? (Ballantine) and The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self-Care (Sourcebooks). Suzanne also hosts the Self-Care for Extremely Busy Women podcast where she interviews leading self-care authorities for those who need better self-care.