SHOW NOTES "My brother used to say, a problem in a paper cannot defeat me, for it has no possibility to more than it is, but I on the other hand can be more." Phambili Initiative, by the way, Phambili Initiative is an NPO that focuses on reducing the high school and university dropout rates by mentoring learners and helping them get to university, it's an awesome initiative. Be sure to like the page on Instagram at Phambili Initiative and Facebook page. INSTAGRAM: PHAMBILI INITIATIVE NPC WEBSITE: PHAMBILINPC.ORG There are 3 types of problem, 

1. is a physical problem,

 2. mental and emotional problem, 

3. Spiritual problem. "We can escalate a problem. We feed our problems with our emotions, and they become stronger and we become weaker." 

Problem Evaporate Method 

Step 1- Find yourself a comfortable space 

Step 2- Lay down or sit 

Step 3- Close your eyes and try to relax 

Step 4- I want you to look at the way you are breathing, do not control it, just notice it. Do this for 6 breaths. (breath using your nostrils) 

Step 5- I want you to feel the blood in your veins, and arteries. 

Step 6- Feel your head relaxing, your neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, stomach, hip, let go, your legs, knees, a sense of ease coming in, your legs, and finally your feet. 

Step 7- I want you to visualize the problem, it's a big round as your room or any room. It is round and hard as cement, you touch it and it's smooth on the surface. 

Step 8- I want you to paint the round big problem, it can be blue, yellow or green or orange. See yourself throw paint at it. 

Step 9- Now it is the color that you've painted. I want you to move back from it and see it. See it from 3D view, all around, move around it. 

Step 10-Hug it. 

Step 11- I want you to breathe, when you breathe in, nothing happens to the round ball, but when you breathe out, it decreases in size. Now breath in, and breath out. Continue doing this until you see it get smaller and smaller. 

Step 12- The size of the ball now is as small as a normal ball. Now I want you to take deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth, notice that when you breathe out it shrinks X9 more. Do this until the problem evaporates. 

Step 13- Open your eyes and now try to look at the problem.

Method to by Dr. Couchman Doodle Art 🎨 A simple yet effective way to reduce stress and channel all the negative energy. This works very well for people that are very mechanical and kinesthetic. By this, I don't mean you can't try it if you don't consider yourself to be kinesthetic. The exercises allow you to detach any emotional connection the problem had, now you are left to do the mental work to solve the problem, you are energized. Don't forget to share this episode if you found it valuable in any way or form. ____________________________ Visit our website and Youtube channel for more content. ____________________________