It's 2021, what now?  Do  you feel slightly normal, but slightly off?  Are you so grateful that everything worked out for you, yet guilty?  Have you lost friends (or relationships) shifted because the virus not only brought germs, but reveled truth bombs you weren't ready for?

If you said yes to any of these then this pods for YOU!  That is pandemic afterglow, and before you "glow up" post-pan lets throw that shade to the wind.  It isn't your fault, but it's your responsibility to fix it (thanks Will!).   Now that we open our hearts back up to living in our fullness what can you do to excel?  We take huge strides in this podcast to help renew your soul, refresh your vision  and become the best blinged out version of yourself.  Jump in, we have been on the couch of life long enough!

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