Is Full Time Trailer Living The Best Choice For you?

If you have listened to my epic episode from last week, the Father's Day Edition then you probably remember one of the dads-Aaron Schiller. 

Aaron and his family just came back from an amazing 3 month long road trip. They lived for 3 months in a small trailer. 

In this episode he shares the details of their memorable trip and some important lessons they learned about their family and families across the country.

It all started with a dream. And it wasn't his. How did he get on board with his wife to explore an alternative lifestyle and will they consider doing this again for a longer period. 

About My Guest: 

Aaron Schiller has over 15 years of experience working with schools and families as an Educator, Counselor and Coach. He is the founder of Aaron Schiller Coaching & Counseling and WiseTech Ed. Aaron is on a mission to help families and schools support young people by creating more connected and supportive communities around them.   In 2016 Aaron became a consultant and field trainer for the Yale Center For Emotional Intelligence's Family Team. He spent 3 months in 2017 leading the RULER On The Road tour where he led workshops for teachers and parents at participating RULER schools across the country.  When not on the road, Aaron lives with his wife and two daughters in Mill Valley, California    Aaron's web site:   Check Out their road trip on Instagram:


Resources and links:

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