This is the Father’s Day edition of Authentic Moments!


I sat down with 10 amazing dads from around the world and asked them very deep questions about fatherhood.

Their honest, wise, insightful answers surprised me.

We talked about empathy, emotions, self discovery, self development, self care and so much more.


Were those fathers ready for fatherhood?  How has fatherhood change them? What are some powerful lessons they have learned along the way? What do they think about self care for dads and do they have regular self care practices or are they running on empty like moms?

How are they enjoying fatherhood today? What do they wish they had for father's day? First Father’s Day. What are their memories?


And some things they say just will melt your heart...



-Not knowing is ok. You don't have to be omnipotent

-you can unschool your kids and travel with your family all over Europe

-Why we shouldn’t be afraid of boredom and how important it is to have free time and space to reflect

-The importance of unconditional love

-Complete new definition of manhood

-Take off the mask, be authentic and real

-Why you should stay focused on your partnership

-Alternative lifestyle and dreams. Do you support your wife in her dreams? 3 month long road trip in a trailer, yes please!

-You can learn from your children

-Take your time and play

-Did we mention play?

-Why dads don’t need gifts for father’s day


While I listened to their stories, reflections, memories and thoughts, I noticed themes emerge. I wonder if you, the listener, noticed them too.

Let’s talk about that in the private group I host for conscious moms and dads on Facebook.




Meet the dads and connect with them:

Andy Smithson

Torstein Klaus

Eric Greene

Joseph Becker

Chris Read

Greg Narain

Aaron Schiller

Fasial Hameed Khattak

Vivek Patel

Visit my web site to schedule a 30 min. complimentary session today and get answers to your burning parenting questions. No obligation.


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Authentic Moments is a weekly show. New episodes air every Thursday.

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Happy Father’s Day to all you father’s out there! Enjoy your day!