How Not to Get Triggered By Your Kids Behavior, Lash Out at Them and What to Do Instead Step by Step

Our past plays a huge role on how we parent today and that’s what this show is all about.

So you know that I work with parents.

I talk about parenting pretty much always.

I read parenting books for my work and professional development AND...I read parenting books in my spare time.

I listen to parenting podcast and I thought  that I was obsessed with the topic of parenting, until I met Avital, aka the Parenting Junkie.

 Learn all about my guest here.

Today on the podcast we talk about how people parent in other countries.

-how can we raise kids who have a sense of gratitude, appreciation in the age of

materialism, consumerism, 1st world 3rd world problems and perspectives.

-how people parent in other countries, Israel, Armenia, United Kingdom. What shocked her the most when she first landed in the UnIted States.

What did she bring from her upbringing into her parenting. Traditions, customs that she still continues to carry on. Values she brought into her parenting willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, unconsciously, consciously.

Listen till the end as Avital shares a very powerful practical, step by step example from her life on how she she keeps her cool and responds mindfully.


-the power of growing up in an environment of predicatively and reliability.

-on family dinners and why they are important


-simplicity parenting

-mindful parenting

Her family’s Holocaust story, how her parents grew up.

Enjoy this wide ranging conversation and think about the following:

What traditions, customs did you grow up with? What did you bring from your parents parenting into your parenting in terms values, traditions and customs? What did you consciously omit or let go?


Are we overprotecting our children?

Free range parenting


What are you teaching your children and how are you teaching the lessons that hold significance for you?

Resources and links:

Do you need an ongoing parenting support for free?

I invite you to join my closed Facebook group-Authentic Parenting Community-a supportive and positive space for moms and dads who want to learn and grow.

What’s so special about this group?

There I offer exclusive FREE content- you won’t get anywhere else-bi-monthly free support calls, Q+A sessions,webinars and self improvement challenges.

I strongly believe that social and emotional support if vital for modern parents. Find yours today! Don’t be alone with the challenges of parenting.


Visit my web site to schedule a 30 min. complimentary session today and get answers to your burning parenting questions. No obligation.


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